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Rising threat of Cyberwarfare employing extreme Cyber weapons capable of destroying critical infrastructure

Cyber warfare refers to the use of technology to launch attacks on nations, governments and citizens, causing comparable harm to actual warfare using weaponry. Cyber warfare has developed into a more sophisticated type of combat between countries, where you can destroy critical infrastructure such as power, telecommunications or banking by …

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Blockchain disrupting Industries from healthcare, IoT to Cybersecurity

Bitcoin and other virtual currencies are made possible by what’s known as blockchain technology. Blockchain technology is a digital ledger that consists of distributed, decentralized and often-times public data capable of automatically recording and verifying a high volume of digital transactions, regardless of location.   A blockchain is a type …

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DARPA SemaFor to tackle ‘deepfakes’ with semantic forensics and create automatic disinformation campaigns for US DOD

In recent years consumer imaging technology (digital cameras, mobile phones, etc.) has become ubiquitous, allowing people the world over to take and share images and video instantaneously. Mirroring this rise in digital imagery is the associated ability for even relatively unskilled users to manipulate and distort the message of the …

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Rising Threats of data breaches requires new Data loss prevention (DLP) solutions and technologies

More data is being generated each year than in the whole of re­corded human history, yet data security hasn’t kept up. Further, the IoT is growing at such a rapid rate, companies have a huge influx of data to comprehend. It’s thought as much as 2.5 quintillion bytes of data …

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Cyber threats to critical Infrastructure (CII) require Effective Cyber Incident Response plan at National level

Networked technologies touch every corner of the globe and every facet of human life. They have driven innovation, nurtured freedoms, and spurred economic prosperity. Even so, the very technologies that enable these benefits offer new opportunities for malicious and unwanted cyber activities.   Cyber-attacks are continuously growing in size and …

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Battery management systems (BMSs) for military systems require Fault-tolerance and Cyber Security

The vision for the future soldier is to be combat effective and also highly mobile, adaptive, networked, sustainable with total battle space situation awareness and information assurance. Therefore, he is equipped with night- vision goggles, radios, smartphones, GPS, infrared sights, a laptop as well as batteries to power them. Some …

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DARPA’s SAHARA to automate Structured ASICs production and enhance their security for defense electronic systems

Time to market demand has forced integrated circuit design, manufacturing and testing to be done at different places across globe. This approach has led to numerous security concerns like overbuilding of chips from foundries, IP protection, counterfeiting and hardware Trojans. Hardware Trojans (HT), which are malicious circuit inclusions into the …

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Cyber attacks on Port facilities can cause disruptions to Shipping operations

Maritime networks have become an attractive playground for hackers, with cyber-attacks on vessel OT networks and systems increasing by 900% over the past three years.  A ship’s onboard information technology and operational technology systems can be hacked just as easily as systems ashore. Such security breaches have the potential to …

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New Physical and behavioral Biometrics technologies with increased accuracy and security being developed

Identity theft is increasingly a 21st-Century problem. As more data moves off of physical paper and onto Internet-connected servers, the chances of that data getting stolen increases as well. According to the FTC, there were 2.8 million fraud reports from consumers in 2021, a nearly 27% increase over the 2.2 …

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Rising DNS attacks require DNS security measures and Protective DNS says Joint NSA and CISA Guidance

The Domain Name System (DNS) is central to the operation of modern networks, translating human-readable domain names into machine-usable Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. Email services, chat services and even social networks rely on DNS to work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week resolving IP addresses into hostnames. DNS …

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