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Doctrine & Strategy

Australia’s Defense Strategy: Addressing the China Challenge and Ensuring National Security

In recent years, Australia has faced increasingly complex security challenges, particularly in the Indo-Pacific region, where the rise of China has reshaped the geopolitical landscape.  The rise of China’s military and economic power, coupled with growing regional assertiveness, has prompted Australia to reassess its defence strategy. As Australia navigates these …

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Enhancing Operational Readiness: Exploring Electronic Warfare Threat Simulators (EWTS)

The modern battlefield is a complex, dynamic environment where mastery of the electromagnetic spectrum reigns supreme. Electronic Warfare (EW) capabilities hold the key to disrupting enemy communications, manipulating sensors, and gaining a decisive edge. But staying ahead of evolving threats requires constant training and adaptation. Enter Electronic Warfare Threat Simulators …

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Decoding India’s Strategic ‘Cold Start’ Doctrine: Swiftly Countering Pakistan’s Aggression

In the realm of military strategy, nations often tread a delicate balance between deterrence and preparedness, seeking to safeguard their sovereignty while maintaining stability in the region. In the complex landscape of modern warfare, India’s military strategy has evolved to address dynamic security challenges, particularly those emanating from its neighbor …

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Unveiling Russia’s AI Strategy: A Closer Look at Their Ambitions and Approach

In recent years, the advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) has become a focal point for nations worldwide, with governments recognizing its transformative potential across various sectors. In the global race for AI dominance, Russia occupies a uniquely complex position, balancing ambitious aspirations with significant economic and technical challenges. Russia has …

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Navigating Geopolitical Waters: Russia’s Strategic Pivot in the Indian Ocean

Introduction: Russia is a major global power and has global interests. In recent developments, Russia has showcased a significant shift in its global strategy, placing the Indian Ocean at the epicenter of its geopolitical interests. Russia has been silently establishing itself as a key stakeholder in the geopolitics of the Indian …

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Setting Cyber Security Standards: How the NCSC’s RFC Contributes to Global Cyber Resilience

Introduction: The cyber battlefield is a global one, and effective defense requires shared strategies and unified tactics. Recognizing this reality, the UK’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) made a critical move in August 2023: it became the first national cyber security agency to contribute to the Internet Engineering Task Force …

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Empowering India’s Military: Navigating the Complexities of Multi-Domain Warfare

Introduction: In an era characterized by rapid technological advancements, the Indian Army is taking bold strides towards adapting and equipping itself for the challenges of multi-domain warfare on the modern battlefield. As the nature of conflicts evolves, incorporating not just traditional land operations but also air, sea, space, and cyberspace …

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China’s Growing Military Power Raises Global Concerns: A Look at the Pentagon’s Latest Report

Introduction: The Department of Defense recently released its annual report on “Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China,” offering crucial insights into the evolving landscape of China’s military capabilities and strategic ambitions.  This congressionally mandated report serves as a significant barometer of China’s military growth, highlighting growing …

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Advancing National Security: The Technological Frontier of Energetics Innovation

Introduction: In the ever-evolving landscape of national security, maintaining technological superiority is imperative. Recognizing this challenge, the United States has embarked on a pivotal strategic initiative: the National Energetics Plan. This visionary plan not only focuses on developing next-generation capabilities but also aims to fortify the resilience and adaptability of …

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Navigating Turbulence: The European Economic Security Strategy Amid Geopolitical Tensions

In the dynamic landscape of international relations, Europe finds itself at a crossroads, grappling with rising geopolitical tensions within the continent and the broader rift between the West and China. Within Europe, the ongoing war in Ukraine and its ripple effects on energy markets and supply chains have cast a …

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