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Large Biohacking or DIY biology growth, to hack human brains and their bodies, with desire to improve performance, cure chronic diseases and live longer

Just as computers could be hacked and made to perform according to one’s wishes, now you hack your own body, a concept called Biohacking. It can be as simple as implementing lifestyle and dietary changes that improve the functioning of your body such as to feel more awake, or optimize  …

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Enhancing endpoint protection needs to be a top priority for civilian & military

Nation-states, organised crime, hacktivists and deliberate and unintentional insider attacks are at risk of organisations of all sizes. Endpoints such as mobile devices, desktops, laptops, and even medical and IoT devices are a popular attack vector, and the goal of an attacker is to not only compromise the endpoint but …

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DARPA OPS-5G to mitigate security threats facing 5G and future wireless networks in military appliations

5G is the latest in a series of evolutions in public mobile networking, with widespread coverage and access on a subscription basis. 5G networks are characterized by improved capabilities across a variety of measures, including throughputs, latencies, numbers of devices, and battery life. 5G is used to attach small special …

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Quantum cryptography vulnerable to hacking too, Researchers developing hackerproof MDI QKD schemes to enhance network encryption

With the age of quantum computing drawing ever-closer, traditional encryption methods are at risk. While brute force attacks can take months to break through security, quantum attacks can use more advanced techniques to break standard public key cryptography in a much shorter timeframe.   Quantum cryptography is an emerging technology …

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Navies developing cyber security measures and cyber defense technologies to counter growing cyber threats

Ships are increasingly using systems that rely on digitization, integration, and automation. Offensive actors understand the naval reliance on communications, ISR, and visualization technologies, and perceive them as vulnerable to disruption and exploitation. In 2016, the Baltic and International Maritime Council (BIMCO) in their “Guidelines on Cyber Security Onboard Ships,” warned about the …

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Multi-factor authentication has become essential to protect accounts in commercial and military

The traditional, not so secure way to log in to your bank account: enter your username and that familiar password you probably use for most of your online accounts. Then, you’re in. You can go about your business. If you’re one of the 54% of consumers who, according to TeleSign, …

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Australia facing cyber attacks by sophisticated state-based cyber actor, implementing Cyber Vision 2020, cyber security strategy, cyber science and technology plan

The exponential growth of information and communications technology (ICT) technology that includes Internet, telecommunications networks, computer systems, and embedded processors and controllers, has led to creation of Cyberspace, a global domain within ICT. The economic, social and strategic influence is exerted within, and through cyberspace domain, much like the land, …

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Industry launch transparent, persistent and pervasive encryption solutions to prevent data breaches

Today, majority of organizations and many government departments and agencies have shifted their databases onto the cloud to improve efficiency and productivity of resources as well as bring down costs. Unfortunately, this move has exposed sensitive information to hackers, who have frequently launched cyber-attacks to retrieve and misuse data. The …

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Data centers are attractive, lucrative targets for cyber criminals and nation-states, require security meaures & technologies

Today, majority of organizations and many government departments and agencies have shifted their databases onto the cloud to improve efficiency and productivity of resources as well as bring down costs. Unfortunately, this move has exposed sensitive information to hackers, who have frequently launched cyber-attacks to retrieve and misuse data. The major  …

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US Defense Industrial Base facing growing supply chain risks from China including cyber threats, launches new security measures

The Department of Defense (DOD) relies on a wideranging and complex industrial base for the products and services that enable the Department’s warfighting capabilities. The domestic DIB includes public-sector (government-owned, government-operated) facilities and private-sector (commercial) companies located in the United States. The commercial companies that contract with DOD are diverse, …

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