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Harnessing the Power of Wind: Hull Designs for Maximizing Propulsive Effects of New Generation Wind Sails on Large Commercial Ships

Introduction The shipping industry plays a vital role in global trade and transportation, contributing to economic growth while also facing challenges in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The shipping industry is one of the largest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. In order to reduce emissions, the industry is looking to new …

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Harnessing Heat Quietly: The Thermoacoustic Stirling Generator

In the realm of power generation, innovation often lies in the fusion of existing technologies to create something entirely new. One such innovation making waves in the world of energy production is the thermoacoustic Stirling generator. Combining elements of the Stirling engine, linear motor, and thermoacoustic principles, this cutting-edge device …

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Navigating Geopolitical Waters: Russia’s Strategic Pivot in the Indian Ocean

Introduction: Russia is a major global power and has global interests. In recent developments, Russia has showcased a significant shift in its global strategy, placing the Indian Ocean at the epicenter of its geopolitical interests. Russia has been silently establishing itself as a key stakeholder in the geopolitics of the Indian …

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The Silent Hunt: How AI Transforms Submarine Detection and Underwater Surveillance

Introduction: In the realm of maritime security, submarines are the stealthy predators of the deep, challenging naval forces with their elusive nature. To counter this threat, militaries have long relied on sonar systems, the eyes and ears of ships and submarines, to detect and track underwater targets. However, with advancements …

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Navigating the Green Seas: Biofuels and the Environmental Trade-offs in Maritime Propulsion

Introduction: The maritime industry, responsible for transporting goods and people across the world’s oceans, faces a pivotal moment in its quest for sustainability. As the global community intensifies its focus on climate change, industries worldwide are urged to explore avenues for reducing carbon emissions. Despite the recreational marine sector’s relatively …

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Space Tech to the Rescue: Cleaning Up Our Oceans from Plastics

Introduction: Picture the vast expanse of our oceans, their shimmering blue surfaces concealing a silent threat – over 5 trillion pieces of plastic, suffocating marine life and disrupting ecosystems. While the challenge may seem insurmountable, a glimmer of hope emerges from above – space technology is stepping up to tackle …

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The Silent Threat: Underwater Radiated Noise (URN) and its Impact on Oceans and Warfare

Beneath the shimmering surface of our oceans lies a hidden battleground, not of weapons and armies, but of sound. Underwater radiated noise (URN), the unintended sound emitted by human activities, is silently reshaping marine ecosystems and posing challenges for naval stealth. Let’s dive into the depths of this sonic issue …

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Navigating Innovation: A Deep Dive into Marine Propeller Technology and Market Trends

Introduction: Marine propulsion is the beating heart of every vessel, and behind this crucial aspect of maritime engineering lies an ever-evolving landscape of technology and market trends. As the maritime industry adapts to meet modern challenges, marine propeller technology is at the forefront of innovation, driving efficiency, sustainability, and performance. …

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Setting Sail for a Cleaner Future: Hydrogen Fuel Cell-Powered Ships

Traditional, fossil-fuel-powered ships spew harmful emissions, contributing significantly to global pollution. In the pursuit of sustainable solutions, the maritime industry is strategically embracing hydrogen fuel cell-powered ships. This cutting-edge technology stands out as an environmentally friendly alternative to conventional propulsion methods, providing an in-depth look into the technical aspects of …

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DARPA’s DRAG Program: Revolutionizing Marine Vehicle Performance

Introduction: The US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is taking bold steps to address a critical challenge in marine vehicle design – drag. The newly initiated Drag Reducing Architected Geometries (DRAG) program is set to redefine the capabilities of ships, submarines, and unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs) by reducing drag, …

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