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Future Global Quantum internet could be brought down by Quantum terrorists

Quantum cryptography is an emerging technology in which two parties may simultaneously generate shared, secret cryptographic key material using the transmission of quantum states of light. A unique aspect of quantum cryptography is that Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle ensures that if Eve attempts to intercept and measure Alice’s quantum transmissions, her …

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With China rapidly militarizing Quantum technologies, U.S. Army funding assessment of military potential of quantum/Electronic Warfare (EW) based threats

A global race has ensued to exploit and operationalize quantum technologies for the use of military effects. Quantum information science (QIS),  field comprises four domains: Quantum Communication, where individual or entangled photons are used to transmit data in a provably secure way; Quantum Simulation, where well-controlled quantum systems are used …

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On Chip squeezed light sources for highly accurate Quantum navigation sensors and quantum key distribution.

GPS hacking and spoofing have made headlines around the world in recent years, from researchers successfully hacking a yacht’s navigation to bring it off its programmed course to the discovery of dozens of Russian ships whose GPS signals indicated they were on land when they were in fact out on …

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QKD technologies enabling global ultra-secure Quantum networks for financial, government and Military

Quantum key distribution (QKD), establishes highly secure keys between distant parties by using single photons to transmit each bit of the key. A unique aspect of quantum cryptography is that Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle ensures that any attempts to intercept and measure quantum transmissions, will introduce an anomalously high error rate …

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DARPA A-PhI to use photonic integrated circuits (PICs) for developing compact atomic clocks and gyroscopes in GPS denied environments

U.S. military researchers are asking industry to develop relatively simple portable photonic integrated circuits (PICs) for high-performance position, navigation, and timing (PNT) devices as an alternative to the Global Positioning System (GPS) for when GPS signals are not available.   Position, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) is a critical resource for …

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New programming languages for quantum computers that take full advantage of the computers’ capabilities

Quantum computing and quantum information processing are next revolutionary technology expected to have immense impact. Quantum information technologies, such as quantum computers, cryptography, radars, clocks, and other quantum systems, rely on the properties of quantum mechanics, which describes the behavior of matter at the subatomic scale. For example, by taking advantage …

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Researchers develop Large 20-Qubit entangled Quantum Register for quantum simulations and quantum information processing

The extraordinary promise of quantum technology—depend on quantum “entanglement,” in which the physical states of two or more objects such as atoms, photons or ions become so inextricably connected that the state of one particle can instantly influence the state of the other—no matter how far apart they are. Today, …

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Quantum sensors for Missile defence, Space security and secure imaging

In recent years there has been a major scientific thrust to harness quantum phenomena to increase the performance of a wide variety of classical devices ranging from computation to sensing, and considerable progress has occurred in the analysis and design of photonic-based quantum sensors (e.g. quantum radar and quantum lidar). …

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Quantum radio may enable receivers with weakest radio signals and mapping in locations where GPS and ordinary cellphones and radios don’t work

Quantum sensing has become a distinct and rapidly growing branch of research within the area of quantum science and technology, with the most common platforms being spin qubits, trapped ions and flux qubits. Quantum sensors are measuring device that takes advantage of quantum correlations, such as states in a quantum …

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DARPA’s DRINQS plans for 10X improvement in High-precision atomic clocks, measuring gravitational fields and quantum information applications.

The emerging quantum revolution offer revolutionary capabilities for military from quantum creptography for hack proof communications to High-precision atomic clocks that can enable timekeeping for navigation and communications with GPS-like performance even in GPS-denied environments. Another important area is quantum  computing based on quantum bits, or qubits, which can represent …

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