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China develops chip that allows for two-dimensional Quantum walks, have exponential superiority in quantum searching and quantum simulation applications

Quantum walks are the quantum version of classical random walks, which are a mathematical means for describing a natural random walk, e.g., simply wandering around randomly.   In a “classical random walk”, you could imagine someone starting at the centre of a city, and making a random decision at each …

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US and China to deploy quantum ghost imaging sensors on battlefield and satellites for stealth plane tracking

China is developing a new type of spy satellite using ghost imaging technology which could spot stealth aircraft and see through smokescreens and camouflage.   Ron Meyers, quantum physicist at the Army Research Laboratory. Meyers explained ghost imaging, a technique that allows a high resolution camera to produce an image …

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DARPA’s QuBE aimed to employ Quantum Biology effects to design next generation navigation, chemical and Magnetic field sensors

The first quantum revolution enabled inventions such as the laser and transistor, the basic building block of computers, when scientists knew the rules of quantum mechanics and built devices that followed those rules. The second quantum revolution is all about controlling individual quantum systems,, such as charged molecules, to a …

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Quantum Biometrics that Exploits the Human Eye’s Ability to Detect Single Photons, may be solution to military and security requirement of hackproof Biometrics

Biometric verification is any means by which a person can be uniquely identified by evaluating one or more distinguishing biological traits. Unique identifiers include fingerprints, hand geometry, earlobe geometry, retina and iris patterns, voice waves, DNA, and signatures. A record of a person’s unique characteristic is captured and kept in …

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US patents Quantum Entanglement based techniques for detection of stealthy Russian and Chinese submarines even under arctic

The US Government has now tuned to Quantum sensors to detect stealthy Russian and Chinese submarines. Quantum sensors are measuring device that takes advantage of quantum correlations, such as states in a quantum superposition or entanglement, for better sensitivity and resolution than can be obtained by classical systems. Quantum sensors …

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