Recent advances in the understanding and control of quantum technologies, such as those based on cold atoms, have resulted in devices with extraordinary metrological sensitivities with applications in a vast array of areas ranging from geophysical type applications to satellite independent navigation. To realise this potential outside of a lab …
Read More »Australia’s Quantum Technology Industry Roadmap provides a vision for unlocking the potential of emerging quantum technologies
Emerging quantum technology applications will present substantial opportunities for economic growth, improving productivity and creating new jobs in the coming decades. Quantum technologies – which are powered by incredible advancements in quantum physics research – could accelerate drug and materials development, enhance national security, increase productive mineral exploration and improve …
Read More »Countries advance Quantum Microwave Technology to enable future Quantum computer Network and Quantum radar that would render Stealth Aircrafts Obsolete
Currently, the most advanced and promising (actively developed by big companies such as Google, IBM, Intel, etc.) platform for future quantum computing and simulations is superconducting circuits. These typically consist of thin film layers of superconducting materials and Josephson junctions comprising altogether a network of resonators and qubits. They interact …
Read More »synthetic diamond a unique material for quantum computing and quantum Internet
Diamonds are well known gems but this material has been used in industry, as a tool for machining the latest smartphones, as a window in high-power lasers used to produce automotive components, and even as a speaker-dome material in high-end audio systems. However new applications od diamond are emerging in …
Read More »Quantum magnetometers breakthroughs promise ultimate precision sensors at room temperature using qubits and machine learning
A magnetometer is a device used to measure the direction and strength of the magnetic field at a particular location. Magnetometers are employed across several sectors such as energy, healthcare, aerospace & defense, consumer electronics, surveys, and industrial. A magnetometer is an instrument with a sensor that measures magnetic flux density …
Read More »Quantum repeater technology breakthroughs pave the way for Quantum internet—the quantum version of the current Internet
Quantum encryption using single photons is a promising technique for boosting the security of communication systems and data networks, but there are challenges in applying the method over large distances due to transmission losses. Currently Most Quantum Communication links are direct point-to-point links through telecom optical fibers and, ultimately limited to …
Read More »Error-correction in Quantum Computers using Machine learning and Neural Networks proving successful strategy
‘The development of a “quantum computer” is one of the outstanding technological challenges of the 21st century. A quantum computer is a machine that processes information according to the rules of quantum physics, which govern the behaviour of microscopic particles at the scale of atoms and smaller said Dr Chris …
Read More »Next Quantum Cryptology (QKD) revolution is Quantum Communications between Drone and ground and between drones
Quantum cryptography is an emerging technology in which two parties may simultaneously generate shared, secret cryptographic key material using the transmission of quantum states of light. A unique aspect of quantum cryptography is that Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle ensures that if Eve attempts to intercept and measure Alice’s quantum transmissions, her …
Read More »Quantum Gravity Sensor technology advancing for oil, gas and mineral exploration, resilient maritime navigation to brain mapping
Quantum sensors are measuring device that takes advantage of quantum correlations, such as states in a quantum superposition or entanglement, for better sensitivity and resolution than can be obtained by classical systems. QP will boost the capabilities of all sorts of sensory devices, such as gravimeters, which are used to …
Read More »Verification of Quantum computers is significant challenge on the road to scalable quantum computing technology.
Quantum chips perform computations using quantum bits, called “qubits,” that can represent the two states corresponding to classic binary bits — a 0 or 1 — or a “quantum superposition” of both states simultaneously. The unique superposition state can enable quantum computers to solve problems that are practically impossible for …
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