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Militaries looking for anti-laser weapon defences as laser DEW threats to airline pilots, soldiers and military vehicles is rising

Laser attacks targeting pilots and air crews are a major concern across the world with most attacks reported to take place during take-off and landing. According to figures from the US Federal Aviation Authority, there were 6,753 laser illuminations reported in 2017. Until recently, the expense of lasers had limited their use …

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Militaries developing Vehicle mounted Lasers Directed Energy Weapons to counter swarm of Drones , C-RAM (Counter Rocket, Artillery and Mortar) and subsonic cruise missiles

The  drones have emerged as a major new threat to civilian infrastructure and military.  The militant organizations have started employing drones to further their terrorism. Jihadi groups fighting the Syrian government – most notably ISIS and Jabhet al-Nusra – are extensively using advanced drones to pinpoint the Syrian Army’s locations, …

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DARPA is developing curved infrared focal plane arrays FPAs to improve optical performance and widen field of view while reducing system size of military imagers

Smartphone camera technology is growing in leaps and bounds in the past couple of years and continues to be a major point to differentiate their products. The commercial development of curved image sensors is one of the biggest advance in camera technology in decades, allowing for simpler, flatter lenses with …

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Bio-Inspired or Biomimetic Photonics create highly selective Gas sensors and Artificial Eye like insects

Researchers have looked into nature for inspiration, understanding the mechanisms animals, insects and plants use to capture and process light and then designing next generation optoelectronics devices and systems like light-emitting diodes (LEDs), sensors and materials. Biomimicry has led to the development of several naturally inspired structures, such as curved …

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DARPA’s thrust on Bio-Inspired Photonics

Nature provides many examples of optical structures whose properties arise from an intricate morphology. The brilliant colors seen in butterfly wings, beetle carapaces, and peacock feathers, for example, are due in large part to their complex structure, says DARPA. These hierarchical structures, scaling from micron to nanometer level, achieve remarkable …

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Next generation precision strike missiles carry Intelligent Missile IIR Seekers for High hit probability against stationary and moving targets

In recent years, precision guided weapons play more and more important role in modern war. One of the greatest strengths of a precision strike missile is a reduction in the number of weapons or aircraft sorties required to destroy a target. Strategy Analytics forecasts the global Smart Weapons (SW) market …

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Polarization-based imaging systems or cameras enhance machine vision, autonomous vehicle navigation, facial recognition, and military target detection

Humans view the intensity of light as the various colors of the spectrum. Characteristics of light include amplitude (intensity), frequency (color), polarization, and coherence. The human eye has cone cells, that correspond reflected light from objects into colors which range from wavelengths of approximately 400-700nm. Polarization, the direction in which …

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Optical or Photonic sensor technology incomparable for detection of biological, chemical and nuclear agents, structural damage, and military wearables

Sensors allow humans to feel and understand their world, and their development lays the foundation for the fulfillment of information society and has formed a huge industry. Photonic sensors are defined as sensors that sense, emit, receive and convert the light energy into electrical signals. Photonics sensors deal with the …

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Photonics & Nano technologies promise miniature sensors, and faster “Internet of photonic things,” for civil and military

Sensors allow humans to feel and understand their world, and their development lays the foundation for the fulfillment of information society and has formed a huge industry. For its implementation the Internet of Things relies heavily on sensor technology.In the grand world of the “internet of things” (IoT), there are …

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Wide adoption of Laser designators in Military to provide targeting for laser-guided bombs, missiles, or precision artillery munitions

One of the most challenging tasks in any aerial combat situation is to determine which assets on the ground should be targeted and which ones should be avoided. This is particularly challenging in the situation where enemy assets are camouflaged or hidden amongst civilian assets. Because of this a practice …

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