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Acoustic Metamaterials breakthroughs enable acoustic clocking, super-lensing , sound focusing and confinements

Metamaterials are artificially structured materials designed to control and manipulate physical phenomena such as light and other electromagnetic waves, sound waves and seismic waves in unconventional ways, resulting in exotic behavior that’s not found in nature. They are predicted to be able to protect the building from earthquakes by bending …

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Rising threat of stealthy, and lethal torpedoes driving Navies to develop integrated countermeasures and anti-torpedo systems for warships and submarines

Torpedo has been a fearsome weapon in Naval warfare due to its ability to sink ships and submarines with one shot. The modern torpedo enables submarines to defeat surface and undersea threats and at the same time  gives surface ships and aircraft the means to reach beneath the surface and …

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Navy developing next generation Submarine Monitoring Network technologies for Antisubmarine warfare (ASW)

Anti-submarine warfare (ASW) has always been a game of hide and seek, with adversarial states looking to adopt and deploy emerging technologies in submarine stealth or detection to give them the strategic edge. The advantage has shifted back and forth, but, on the whole, it has proved easier to hide …

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Countries building Artificial islands for economic progress, establishing industry,and exerting geopolitical and military control

An artificial island or man-made island is an island that has been constructed by people rather than formed by natural means. Artificial islands may vary in size from small islets reclaimed solely to support a single pillar of a building or structure, to those that support entire communities and cities. Human-made …

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Navies testing Augmented-Reality(AR) systems onboard Warships for battlesace situation awareness, combat training and remote maintenance

Military operations are becoming increasingly diverse in their nature. To cope with new and more demanding tasks, the military has researched new tools for use during operations and during training for these operations. There have been numerous goals driving this research over the past several decades. Many of the military …

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Ships require Attitude Stabilization System for Satellite Tracking Antenna

In the age of information technology, mobile data communication has become essential due to its convenience. A major role of mobile communication networks is to provide ubiquitous broadband services. Regardless of the actual position of the antenna on earth, it is always possible to make contact with a communication satellite. …

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US Navy thrust on preventative maintenance & prognostics-based approach to increase operational availability or mission success of Naval fleet or battlegroup

One of the major objectives of the military is to achieve high reliability and operational availability of their assets. Significant operational benefits are to be gained by employing highly reliable military assets. The major reasons why achieving high reliability is so important are: (1) maintaining weapons systems consumes a significant …

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Rising importance of Non- Acoustic detection technologies of Stealthy submarines in Anti Submarine Warfare

Ship detection for offshore production operations, military activities, transportation and other marine applications is very important. Submarine is one of the most important weapon in modern wars. strategic submarines seem to be key to strategic stability, providing what is generally believed to be the most survivable nuclear second-strike force.   Anti-submarine …

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Indian Ocean maritime security threats and Indian Navy’s Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) technology requirements and solutions

Indian Ocean has always been vulnerable to criminals and anti-national activities. The Indian Ocean is an area of conflict. According to a recent analysis of global conflicts by the Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research, altogether 42% of world conflicts can be associated with Indian Ocean countries. Numerous cases of the …

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Phased array antennas for phased array radars to satellite constellations to SATCOM On-The-Move (SOTM) on warships

Wireless electronic systems have been relying on dish antennas to send and receive signals. These systems have been widely used where directivity is important and many of those systems work well at a relatively low cost after years of optimization. These dish antennas having a mechanical arm to rotate the …

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