Indo-Pacific today is evolving into a significant frontier in the international arena, with an unstable geopolitical equilibrium for sea dominance due to China’s expansionist plans. South China and Asian Feuds are fuelling the race among nations to acquire Submarines and Anti Submarine Warfare (ASW) Capability. The territorial disputes among …
Read More »Russia dominating Naval power in the Arctic with at least 53 icebreakers in its fleet, China and the United States have two icebreakers apiece.
The Arctic region encompasses the seas and land north of latitude 66.33° N. The Arctic Ocean is the smallest of the world’s oceans but is transforming due to its melting ice. Eight countries possess territories there: Canada, Denmark (through possession of Greenland), Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden and the US. …
Read More »Ultra secure, Quantum Communications using Quantum Key Cryptography (QKD) for Underwater Vehicles and Submarines critical to maintain nuclear deterrence capability
Underwater communication is vital for undersea exploitation and modern communication. Conventional ways which employ acoustical technique for underwater communication have their drawbacks including high path loss, narrow bandwidth, high bit error rate, among which unconditional security is more demanding due to commercial and secure interest. Submarine communications have always been a challenge …
Read More »Photoacoustic Imaging enable Seeing Through Solids, hackproof Biometrics and Image Underwater Objects
Alexander Graham Bell discovered photoacoustics by accident when he was working on the development of the photophone, a followup to his recently developed telephone that operated via modulated sunlight instead of electricity. You would operate a photophone by speaking into its transmitter toward a mirror placed inside of it. The vibrations …
Read More »“Smart” technologies transforming shipping industry and ports by improving quality, increasing productivity and lowering costs
Shipping is the lynchpin of a global economy between exporters and importers. Today, about 90% of the world’s goods are transported by water connecting with various land transfer systems, such as rail, truck, and air.” Globalization has fueled huge growth in the shipping industry. Low-cost shipping is the means that …
Read More »Multistatic Sonar Technology has become key to Anti Submarine Warfare (ASW) operations
Three decades ago, only a handful of major powers had effective submarine capabilities but, today, fleets in operation around the world are growing rapidly. Emerging superpowers, like China, can add naval capacity equivalent to a European country’s in the space of a few years. The threat from submarines is serious …
Read More »Rising Maritime threats require Smart Ports, Ship security and safety technologies to improve security and stability of maritime domain
The oceans are vital to the overall growth of the world economy and population, and to the continued economic integration of nations. The oceans are a primary source of food, energy, and transportation, all key requirements of human activity in an interconnected world. They are also essential to meet the …
Read More »Navies require Automated AUV Launch and Recovery System for a variety of Ships , USVs or submarine platforms
UUVs—submersible unmanned vehicles—are divided into two categories: remotely operated underwater vehicles (ROVs) and autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). ROVs are controlled and powered by a person or crew on either land or neighboring craft via an umbilical or using remote control. The truly autonomous AUV systems are typically deployed from a …
Read More »US Navy modernizing it’s C4ISR for implementing it’s Information Superiority Vision
The Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer Aaron Weis has released the DON Information Superiority Vision in Feb 2020 which conveyed the DON’s vision for information superiority through our information, modernized network design, and our workforce; and defines our way forward. As stated by General David H. Berger, the 38th …
Read More »US Navy developing next generation laser weapons for defending warships from ballistic and cruise missiles to Hypersonic Missiles
Navy ships face an increasing number of threats in conducting their missions, including UAVs, armed small boats, and adversary intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance systems. The US Navy is concerned about the survivability of Navy surface ships in potential combat situations against adversaries, such as China, that are armed with large numbers …
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