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Cyber & IW

DARPA’s SIEVE project developing zero-knowledge proofs for demonstration of DoD capabilities particularly cybersecurity and cyberspace operations without revealing sensitive details

There are times when the highest levels of privacy and security are required to protect a piece of information, but there is still a need to prove the information’s existence and accuracy. For the Department of Defense (DoD), the proof could be the verification of a relevant capability. How can …

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DARPA’s Cyber Assured Systems Engineering (CASE) developing tools for designing embedded computing systems tolerant to cyberattacks

Embedded computers can be found in places such as smart home appliances, medical gear, cars, and even facilities such as power plants. And they run software that can be exploited just like any computer, warmed Ang Cui, founder and CEO of cybersecurity company Red Balloon. “This is probably the most …

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Increasing cyber threats to commercial and military ground vehicles is driving new approaches and research on vehicle cybersecurity

Increasingly, today’s vehicles feature driver assistance technologies, such as forward collision warning, automatic emergency braking, and vehicle safety communications. In the future, the deployment of driver assistance technologies may result in avoiding crashes altogether, particularly crashes attributed to human drivers’ choices. These vehicles depend on connectivity and technology that runs …

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DARPA’s RADICS develops Rapid Attack Detection, Isolation and Characterization Systems for cyber attacks on power grids

Across the United States, 3200 separate organizations own and operate electrical infrastructure. The widely dispersed nature of the nation’s electrical grid and associated control systems has a number of advantages, including a reduced risk that any single accident or attack could create a widespread failure from which it might take …

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DARPA’s Brandeis program developing tools and techniques to protect the private the private and proprietary information of individuals and enterprises

Significant technological advances are being made across a range of fields, including information communications technology (ICT); artificial intelligence (AI), particularly in terms of machine learning and robotics; nanotechnology; space technology; biotechnology; and quantum computing. The technologies are mostly dual use, in that they can be used as much to serve …

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Emerging technologies have many vulnerabilities that pose many security threats to government and military organizations

Technology is embedded within almost every aspect of our daily lives, from the smart phones within our pocket to our office computers, washing machines or even light bulbs. This exponential growth and dependency upon technology now shapes how we live within a global growing society especially within a security environment. …

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Rapid rise in drone operations and cyber threats require safety and security solutions, secure hardware and software technologies and standards

Drones are increasingly making an impact on society and economy. Drones are used by the military for intelligence gathering, anti-aircraft target practice, and also for weapons platforms. They are also used for many civilian roles such as agricultural surveillance, mapping, tracking, search and rescue, traffic monitoring, firefighting, weather monitoring, engineering …

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DARPA’s SHIELD developed technologies for secure reliable authentication for ICs subject to hardware Trojans, cloning, counterfeit or recycling in Military systems that pose critical National Security Risk

Outsourcing of integrated circuit (IC) and printed circuit board (PCB) design, fabrication, packaging, and testing have dramatically reduced the time and cost of product development. In doing so, this has enabled the widespread availability of microelectronics, which has indeed transformed modern life. However, unintended consequences include malicious design alteration (i.e., …

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Threats to ICT supply chains including Counterfeit electronic components and Hardware Trojans present critical risk to military and security systems

Information and communications technology, encompassing digital services and infrastructure, cybersecurity and software, is ubiquitous throughout the economy and society. As the digital transformation gathers pace, the number and complexity of ICT services is accelerating.   Information and Communications Technology (ICT) relies on a complex, globally distributed, and interconnected supply chain …

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Commercialization of cybercrime leading to rising global threat of Cyber outsourcing or Cybercrime-as-a-Service

Cybercrime is the greatest threat to every company in the world, and one of the biggest problems with mankind. Beyond a nefarious hobby, cybercrime has become a way for cybercriminals to earn a living. While it remains underground, it is a business nonetheless; attackers cooperate, and work to maximize profits …

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