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Cyber & IW

Cyber Security Situational Awareness tools on Defense Platform Networks are critical for Cyber Warfare

Cyberspace is understood as the fifth domain of warfare equally critical to military operations as land, sea, air, and space. Success of military operations in the physical domains is increasingly dependent on the availability of, and access to, cyberspace. The armed forces are reliant on cyberspace both as a user …

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DARPA HACCS employing AI for cybersecurity by developing autonomous software agents, that will infiltrate adversary’s networks, detect botnets and neutralize them

As the complexity of software is growing software vulnerabilites are also increasing. According to two US based organizations that track vulnerability disclosure, the number of software vulnerabilities has gradually grown year-over-year achieving its highest peak in 2017. Computers are not patched reliably, configured properly, or used safely, allowing widespread exploitation. …

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COVID-19 is enhancing Terrorism, Cyberattacks, and Bioterrorism threats in the world

The head of the World Health Organization is warning that the COVID-19 pandemic is speeding up, and he criticized governments that have failed to establish reliable contact tracing to stop the spread of the coronavirus. According to the latest tally from Johns Hopkins University, there have been more than 10 …

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Under Cyber Warfare threat from China and Pakistan, India steps up cyber security measures and operationalising its Cyber Command

Cyber warfare has developed into a more sophisticated type of combat between countries, where you can destroy critical infrastructure such as power, telecommunications or banking by damaging the computer systems that control those infrastructures. It’s widely acknowledged that offensive cyberattacks will be a necessary component of any future military campaign, …

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Countries upgrading Nuclear Command and Control among rising Nuclear, and Cyber threats

Although nuclear weapons have not been used in conflict for decades, the risk of their use persists. Around the world, countries are still building and modernizing nuclear arsenals. Russia,  US and China are  rapidly upgrading and modernizing their strategic triad.  The potential use of nuclear weapons poses the greatest danger …

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DARPA’s AISS program to develop tools for automatic design of secured System on Chip (SoC) for Military IoT

A system on a chip or system on chip (SoC) is an integrated circuit (also known as a “chip”) that integrates all components of a computer or other electronic system on a single circuit die. Similar to how a microcontroller integrates a microprocessor with peripheral circuits and memory, an SoC …

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Internet becoming secure and faster through QUIC, the new transport protocol set to replace TCP and HTTP/3

As the Military and civilian technological systems, from fighter aircraft to networked household appliances, are becoming ever more dependent upon internet, they are also becoming more vulnerable to hackers  and electronic intruders. Electronic system security has become an increasingly critical area of concern for the DoD and the broader U.S. …

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Dark Web which hides illicit activities like buying and selling drugs, guns, and hacked data is now under Global Crackdown

The internet is actually made up of three different layers: the surface web, the deep web and the dark web. The top layer, the surface web, are web pages that show up using search engines such as Google. The deep web are web pages which search engines can’t access and …

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Software is becoming more vulnerable to cyber attacks, CVE identifies common vulnerabilities exploited by state and nonstate actors

In computer security, a vulnerability is a flaw or weakness in a system or network that could be exploited by a threat actor, such as an attacker, to manipulate or cause damage to the system in some way.  To exploit a vulnerability, an attacker must have at least one applicable tool …

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Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA)’s Predictive Cyber Analytics Competition to develop proactive defence in a hostile and contested cyber environment.

Computing infrastructure is a key component of nearly all modern defence systems and providthroughes another attack surface for adversaries. Cyber security has been in an arms race for decades, with hackers continuously exposing new vulnerabilities and developers racing to patch them. Traditional cyber security methods only respond to known threats. However, …

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