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Rajesh Uppal

Gas turbines favorite propulsion for Warships, China makes turbine blade breakthrough for Type 055 guided-missile destroyers

Marine propulsion is the mechanism or system used to generate thrust to move a ship or boat across water. While paddles and sails are still used on some smaller boats, most modern ships are propelled by mechanical systems consisting of an electric motor or engine turning a propeller, or less …

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Generative adversarial networks or dueling Neural Networks can bestow AI systems with “imagination” and also poison AI defences

Most AI advances and applications are based on a type of algorithm known as machine learning that finds and reapplies patterns in data. Deep learning, a powerful subset of machine learning, uses neural networks to find and amplify even the smallest patterns.   Generative adversarial networks (GANs) are deep neural net …

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Advances in Non Destructive Testing (NDT) and nondestructive evaluation (NDE) techniques for Aerospace and Military application

Non-destructive testing (NDT) is a way to detect and evaluate flaws in materials. The simplest and most accurate way of testing materials and components is often to test them to destruction. Destructive testing is used in aerospace to determine the physical properties of materials, components and assemblies. It can reveal …

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Militaries employ ‘The mother of all bombs’ or MOABs for wiping out fortified ground targets and creating ‘shock and awe’

The US’s  GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast (MOAB) is a precision-guided munition weighing 21,500 pounds and was dropped from a C-130 Hercules aircraft. The MOAB isn’t the heaviest non-nuclear bomb in the US arsenal (that’s the 30,000-pound Massive Ordinance Penetrator ), but with a length of 30 feet and an …

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New Magneto resistive materials enable ultrasensitive magnetic field sensors, brain-like computing chips and 3D magnetic memory

Magneto resistor is a type of resistor whose resistance changes when an external magnetic field is applied. In other words, the flow of electric current through the magneto resistor changes when an external magnetic field is applied to it.   Magnetic field is the region present around a magnetic object …

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Countries launch latest Man-Portable Air Defense Systems (MANPADS) which are more lethal and smart

Man-Portable Air Defense Systems (MANPADS) are surface-to-air missiles that can be carried and fired by a single individual or carried by several individuals and fired by more than one person acting as a crew. MANPADS were designed to be used by national military forces to protect their troops and facilities. With …

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Rising employment of millimetre or EHF based radars, communications and seekers by Military creating new electronic warfare challenges

The advancement of Sensors, Communications and Radars have given rise to Electronic Warfare, which encompasses, in all battle phases, military actions involving the use of EM energy to determine, exploit, reduce or prevent hostile use of EM spectrum and the actions, which retain friendly use of the EM spectrum. The …

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Naval Combat and Combat Management Systems (NCMS) being upgraded to handle new maritime security threats

Recent years have seen multiple new security challenges emerge in the maritime arena. Navies, coast guards and other maritime security agencies face a proliferation of security challenges. These include: illegal fishing of territorial waters; incursion of mineral exploitation across legal boundaries; maritime terrorism; narcotics smuggling; pollution as a result of …

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High-Temperature Electronics technologies for extreme environment like Geothermal vents, aircraft engines, gas turbines and hypersonic structures.

“Electronics have dramatically changed the way we live, conduct business, communicate, and educate. Visions of the future foretell of ubiquitous computing and sensing. However, the environments in which electronics can reliably operate are limited. In consumer applications, typical operating temperatures range from -40° to 85°C. The “wider” military temperature range …

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Militaries developing Multidomain Command and Control (MDC2) technologies including interoperable wideband line-of-sight radio communications for land, sea and satellite links

The emerging battlefield is a multi-domain battlefield which shall include all the traditional domains of land, air and sea as well as Cyber, Space, Low Intensity conflicts, Information warfare including Psychological warfare and cognitive warfare shall be exploited by our adversaries simultaneously or in any desired combinations.   Implementing multi …

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