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Monthly Archives: February 2022

Growing cyber attacks require Organization Incident response plan

The accelerating pace of digitalisation, fuelled by the COVID-19 pandemic, has led to a record-breaking year for cybercrime with ransomware attacks rising 151 per cent in 2021, and an average of 270 cyberattacks per organisation being faced, a new study showed in Jan 2022.   The World Economic Forum’s ‘Global …

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Technology forecasting to help militaries arm, organize and train itself for future conflicts around 2040 to 2050.

The defence and security environment is changing globally over the years in a way that have never been seen before. What we are seeing is that the world has entered an era of intense competition in almost all spheres including geopolitical, economic, military, technology and industry. On one hand, competition is …

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Future digitized Battlefield require Soldier transformation to software experts and data analysts

In an era where technology is the key driver enhancing capabilities across the military, the soldier remains as crucial as ever for achieving mission success. Some of the missions the soldiers perform can take weeks, away from in difficult terrain like deserts and mountains which requires maintaining an incredibly high …

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Automated test and measurement (ATE) for lifesaving, mission-critical, and safety-critical electronics of Defense and Aerospace Systems

The aerospace and defense industry is one of the most massive, and multibillion-dollar industries in operation. This calls for the electronics and technology used in this industry need running at 100% efficiency level to make sure that the equipment doesn’t malfunction and get damaged or provide lower utility than it …

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Nuclear Fusion Reactor technology breakthroughs, bringing the dream of unlimited source of clean, cheap energy to reality

There are two ways of using nuclear energy: fission, which is used in current nuclear power plants, and fusion.  In fission, heavy uranium atoms are broken into smaller atoms to release energy. Nuclear fusion is the opposite process: light atoms are transformed into heavier atoms to release energy, the same …

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ROVs for efficient underwater inspection

Ocean shipping continues to be the primary transportation method of billions of dollars in goods. As such a massive industry, safety is incredibly important. Underwater inspection of shipping vessels is important for many reasons. It saves money and time by understanding what is happening under your vessel without diver intervention. …

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Automotive Lightweight Materials

Advanced materials are essential for boosting the fuel economy of modern automobiles while maintaining safety and performance. Because it takes less energy to accelerate a lighter object than a heavier one, lightweight materials offer great potential for increasing vehicle efficiency. A 10% reduction in vehicle weight can result in a …

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Improved Lead-Acid Batteries including lead-crystal and carbon foam batteries making comeback

Virtually every modern naval weapons system, in fulfilling its mission, is highly dependent upon the performance characteristics of its electrochemical power supply. For example, batteries are used to power detection, guidance, control, ignition, propulsion, arming, fuzing, transmitting and jamming devices. The need for weapons with increased range, speed, endurance, sensitivity …

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Critical Infrastructure Protection Market

Networked technologies touch every corner of the globe and every facet of human life. They have driven innovation, nurtured freedoms, and spurred economic prosperity. Even so, the very technologies that enable these benefits offer new opportunities for malicious and unwanted cyber activities. Cyber-attacks are continuously growing in size and breadth, targeting …

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DARPA HACMS employed Formal Verification Methods to develop hack proof unmanned vehicles , weapons , satellites, and command and control systems

In 2011, Iran claimed to have downed a sophisticated American stealth drone, and unveiled what it alleged was a reverse-engineered copy of the futuristic looking RQ-170 Sentinel UAV, produced by defense giant Lockheed Martin. The drone was brought down by the Iranian Armed Forces’ electronic warfare unit which commandeered the …

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