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India’s National Quantum Mission led by Industry supported by DST, ISRO and DRDO to win Global Quantum Information race

Quantum computing and quantum information processing are next revolutionary technology expected to have immense impact. Quantum Technology is based on the principles of quantum theory, which explains the nature of energy and matter on the atomic and subatomic level. It concerns the control and manipulation of quantum systems, with the …

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DARPA’s IMPAQT Program: Pioneering Hybrid Quantum/Classical Computational Systems

Introduction: Quantum Computing Challenges and NISQ The field of Quantum Computing (QC) has made significant strides in recent years, with advancements in the number of qubits that can be realized and the development of new quantum algorithms for search and optimization. However, several challenges hinder the practical application of QC …

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Quantum Dots: Transforming Quantum Technologies

Introduction The world of quantum technologies is on the verge of a revolution that promises to reshape computing, sensing, cryptography, and more. Quantum technologies leverage the intriguing properties of quantum particles, where they can exist in multiple states simultaneously and influence each other over vast distances. At the forefront of …

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Revolutionizing Security: The Power of PIC-Based Solutions in Quantum Key Distribution Systems

Introduction In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of data transmission is paramount. Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) stands at the forefront of this endeavor, offering unbreakable encryption that relies on the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics. To harness the full potential of QKD, cutting-edge technologies such …

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Revolutionizing Optimization with Hybrid Quantum Computers

Introduction In the realm of cutting-edge technology, quantum computing stands out as a beacon of innovation. Quantum computers, harnessing the fundamental properties of quantum mechanics, have the potential to outperform classical computers in solving complex problems, particularly in the field of optimization. But quantum computing is not a silver bullet; …

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Quantum Mechanical Oscillator Advancements: Revolutionizing Quantum Technology

Introduction Quantum technology, with its promise of revolutionary advances, has been pushing the boundaries of science and industry. Within this realm, one of the most intriguing developments in recent years is the progress made in the field of Quantum Mechanical Oscillators. These microscopic systems, once seen as an intricate challenge, …

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Fortifying Smartphone Security with Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) Enabled by Silicon-Photonics-Based Chips

Introduction In the era of digital connectivity and information sharing, the security of our data has never been more critical. With increasing concerns about privacy breaches and cyberattacks, it’s essential to explore innovative solutions to safeguard our digital interactions. Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) is emerging as a game-changer in the …

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Quantum Biosensing: Illuminating the Microscopic World of Healthcare

Introduction In the expansive landscape of healthcare, quantum biosensing emerges as a transformative technology that provides an unparalleled glimpse into the microscopic intricacies of biology. Leveraging the remarkable principles of quantum mechanics, this cutting-edge field holds the promise of overhauling healthcare diagnostics and detection, affording us the ability to delve …

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Breaking the Cosmic Silence: Quantum Communications Across Interstellar Space

Imagine a future where we can communicate seamlessly across the vast distances of interstellar space, bridging the gap between stars and potentially connecting with extraterrestrial civilizations. While this may seem like the stuff of science fiction, a team of physicists at the University of Edinburgh’s School of Physics and Astronomy …

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Unlocking the Quantum Revolution: Quantum Computing’s Impact Across Industries

In today’s rapidly advancing world of technology, we find ourselves in the midst of a “quantum race” – a race toward harnessing the incredible power of quantum computing. Governments worldwide, including the UK, US, China, Japan, and the European Commission, have invested tens of billions of dollars over the last …

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