Home / Critical & Emerging Technologies / Photonics (page 25)


DARPA FENCE Event-based imagers or neuromorphic camera

An event camera, also known as a neuromorphic camera, silicon retina or dynamic vision sensor, is an imaging sensor that responds to local changes in brightness.  Event cameras do not capture images using a shutter as conventional cameras do. Instead, each pixel inside an event camera operates independently and asynchronously, …

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Night Vision Devices integrated with cellphones and Google Glass like wearables will provide future Soldiers greater situational awareness

Night vision devices are becoming essential equipment for night driving, night flying and night surveillance, wildlife observation and search and rescue missions. According to Industry ARC’s report on Night vision devices, the market is estimated to grow to $20.5 billion in 2020 at a CAGR of 7%.   Since the …

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Fiber Optics transmission system and component technologies for Rising Internet traffic

Optical communications make use of light waves, very high frequency (100 terahertz) electromagnetic waves, for information transmission. Modern optical communications were begun in the 1960s, when lasers were invented as a coherent light source. Since then, the rapid development of photonic technologies has made possible optical communication links with a …

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3-D holograms will be employed for battlefield intelligence, military planning and explosives disposal

We see things because our eyes are sophisticated light detectors: they constantly capture the light rays bouncing off nearby objects so our brain can construct an ever-changing impression of the world around us. When our eyes see a three-dimensional image such as apple, Light reflects off the surface of the apple …

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Quantum cryptography links integration on commercial wide-area optical networks using Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) is essential to develop global scale Quantum Key Distribution Networks (QKD)

Quantum key distribution (QKD), establishes highly secure keys between distant parties by using single photons to transmit each bit of the key. A unique aspect of quantum cryptography is that Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle ensures that any attempts to intercept and measure quantum transmissions, will introduce an anomalously high error rate …

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Networking technologies for integration of Quantum cryptography (QKD) on commercial optical networks essential for global scale Quantum Key Distribution Networks

Quantum cryptography is an emerging technology in which two parties may simultaneously generate shared, secret cryptographic key material using the transmission of quantum states of light. A unique aspect of quantum cryptography is that Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle ensures that if Eve attempts to intercept and measure Alice’s quantum transmissions, her …

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Quantum Entanglement advances enables Quantum Computers, high-speed ultra secure communications, high precision Quantum Sensors and Imaging

The extraordinary promise of quantum technology—depend on quantum “entanglement,” in which the physical states of two or more objects such as atoms, photons or ions become so inextricably connected that the state of one particle can instantly influence the state of the other—no matter how far apart they are.  Entanglement links …

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Electro-optical Circuit Board (EOCB) enable photonic integrated circuits, autonomous cars and even quantum computers based on light

As copper reaches its speed limit, engineers look at optics to replace copper for very high speed signals. The electronic transmission of information requires energy – the faster the interface, the more electrical power is required. At very high data transfer rates, optical interfaces can be significantly more efficient than …

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Photoacoustic Imaging enable Seeing Through Solids, hackproof Biometrics and Image Underwater Objects

Alexander Graham Bell discovered photoacoustics by accident when he was working on the development of the photophone, a followup to his recently developed telephone that operated via modulated sunlight instead of electricity. You would operate a photophone by speaking into its transmitter toward a mirror placed inside of it. The vibrations …

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Quantum holography

We see things because our eyes are sophisticated light detectors: they constantly capture the light rays bouncing off nearby objects so our brain can construct an ever-changing impression of the world around us. Photography, as this became known, has revolutionized the way people see and engage with the world but …

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