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The Future of Surveillance: Smart ePANTS and the Rise of Active Smart Textiles

Introduction In a world where technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace, our understanding of “smart” devices has expanded beyond phones and watches to include clothing. The lines between privacy and security are becoming increasingly blurred. One emerging technology that has the potential to significantly impact both is the …

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The Age of Onboard AI: Revolutionizing Space and Satellite Missions

Introduction The exploration of outer space has long been a testament to human curiosity, innovation, and technological advancement. In an era of unprecedented advancements in space exploration, the role of artificial intelligence (AI) has become increasingly prominent. AI is now an integral part of satellite and spacecraft missions, empowering them …

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DARPA AI Cyber Challenge Aims to Secure Nation’s Most Critical Software

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, where software forms the backbone of our interconnected world, safeguarding critical infrastructure and software systems has become paramount. While this code facilitates modern life and drives productivity, it simultaneously creates an expanding attack surface for malicious actors. As cyber threats continue to escalate, organizations …

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Navigating the Metaverse: Unveiling Terrorist Threats and Challenges

Introduction The concept of the metaverse has captured the collective imagination of tech enthusiasts, futurists, and even the general public. This virtual realm, a convergence of augmented and virtual reality, promises a digital utopia where we can work, play, socialize, and create, all within a boundless digital landscape. However, amid …

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Lunar IoT: Revolutionizing Surface Operations on the Moon

Introduction: The Moon, Earth’s celestial companion, has always fascinated humanity with its mystique and potential for exploration. The Moon is a harsh and unforgiving environment, but it is also a place of great potential. With the development of new technologies, we are now closer than ever to realizing the dream …

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DARPA developing AI tools to enhance adult learning in security technologies

The way people work is shifting; acquiring new skill sets can help ensure the national security workforce keeps up with the evolving demands of modern-day society. The World Economic Forum predicts that by 2025, 50% of all workers worldwide will need reskilling in order to compete in the market. The …

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Revolutionizing Communication: Speech Brain-Computer Interface and Artificial Intelligence Turning Brainwave Patterns into Speech

Introduction Communication is a fundamental aspect of human interaction, enabling us to share thoughts, emotions, and ideas. Unfortunately, some individuals are unable to express themselves through traditional means due to conditions like paralysis or locked-in syndrome. For individuals with conditions like spinal cord injuries, locked-in syndrome, or ALS, the loss …

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DARPA DELTA exploring digital twins for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) missions

Digital twins are a virtual and identical representation or model, with full characterization, of a physical product or system. A digital twin seeks to emulate the actual system by utilizing data analysis and integration, machine learning, and modeling techniques. Commercially, digital twins have been used in various applications, ranging from …

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DARPA H6 developing GPS-independent Clock maintains weeklong microsecond timing to support military missions

The GPS system provides critical positioning capabilities to military, civil, and commercial users around the world. The Global Positioning System (GPS), is a global navigation satellite system (GNSS) that provides location and time information in all weather conditions, anywhere on or near the Earth where there is an unobstructed line …

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Rising Threat of Software Errors and Cyber Attacks on Mission-Critical Systems: DOD’s Thrust on Software Assurance

Introduction In an increasingly digital world, mission-critical systems are the backbone of our modern infrastructure. From healthcare and transportation to defense and space exploration, these systems ensure that vital operations run smoothly and securely. In today’s digital age, software is the backbone of mission-critical systems.  Whether it’s healthcare, transportation, defense, …

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