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Rising employment of AI in Air & Missile Defense as threats become Hypersonic

Militaries around the world are increasingly facing a formidable strategic threat environment in terms of complexity, lethality, range, sophistication, and number of threats. These range from Fifth-generation stealth fighters, unmanned air vehicles, and more maneuverable and precision-guided ballistic, cruise, and Hypersonic missiles that are becoming widely proliferated to become more …

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Matlab and Simulink

Modeling is the process of representing a model (e.g., physical, mathematical, or logical representation of a system, entity, phenomenon, or process) which includes its construction and working. This model is similar to a real system, which helps the analyst predict the effect of changes to the system. Simulation of a …

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Defense and Aerospace software Verification and Validation

Late delivery or software defects can damage a brand’s reputation — leading to frustrated and lost customers. In extreme cases, a bug or defect can degrade interconnected systems or cause serious malfunctions. Consider Nissan having to recall over 1 million cars due to a software defect in the airbag sensor detectors.  …

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Medical assistants are health care professionals who assist doctors in clinics and medical offices. Medical assistants work alongside physicians, mainly in outpatient or ambulatory care facilities, such as medical offices and clinics.   A medical assistant (or MA) is often considered a physician’s right hand. These allied health professionals assist in …

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Autonomous shipping or Autonomous shipping or Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) technologies

Autonomous ships refer to the ships that are remote built ships where operations are performed by remote control mechanism. These operations are operated by the humans located at the shore. Autonomous requires high quality systems and reliable communication system which work with the assistance of connectivity, control algorism and sensor …

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Global air pollution threat requires IoT-based Air quality monitoring solutions

Atmospheric conditions continue to deteriorate each year due to the growth of civilization and increasing unclean emissions from industries and automobiles. Although air is an indispensable resource for life, many people are indifferent to the severity of air pollution or have only recently recognized the problem.   According to the …

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AI in Project Management

A project comprises a series of tasks designed to meet a specific objective. It can be developing a new product/service, constructing a bridge or building, house renovation, upgrading the data system, implementing new business, etc. All business people want to find a way to manage their projects effectively to boost …

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Certifications & testing for UAM (Urban Air Mobility) and eVTOL (Electric Vertical Take-Off & Landing)

Urban air mobility (UAM) can solve a myriad of transportation problems. This new technology, including electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft, promises many benefits, such as reduced commuting times and urban congestion, and may introduce entirely new methods of transportation within and between cities in the coming decade. Commercially-operating …

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Animals and Insects Warfare employ them from Mobile Biological Sensors to weapons to attack the enemy

Throughout history animals have accompanied men into combat as modes of transport and communication, protectors and companions. They have fulfilled a variety of roles – from carrying men and munitions to evacuating the wounded, performing guard and sentry duties to carrying out search and rescue operations, detecting gas in trenches to locating …

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Software Reliability testing

The application of computer software has crossed into many different fields, with software being an essential part of industrial, commercial and military systems. Because of its many applications in safety-critical systems, software reliability is now an important research area. Although software engineering is becoming the fastest developing technology of the …

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