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Energy & Propulsion

New materials bringing Thermoelectric generators or heat-to-power technology close to deployment

Thermoelectric energy harvesting mainly depends on the operation of the thermoelectric generator (TEG). A thermoelectric (TE) device can directly convert heat emanating from the Sun, radioisotopes, automobiles, industrial sectors, or even the human body to electricity.  A TEG converts heat directly into electrical energy according to the Seebeck effect.   …

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Growth of Internet of Things and Wearables leading to rising demand of Flexible batteries to power them

Battery usage has expanded from mobile phones and laptops to LED lamps, portable fans, toys, toothbrushes, and even automobiles. Now, the battery applications are expanding further as the Internet of Things, Industry 4.0, big data, mobile and cloud computing are introduced. People build systems to obtain, manage and utilise data …

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Nanotechnology revolutionizing thermal management solutions in electronics

As computer processors have continued to shrink down to sizes where billions of transistors are on single chip, heat has increasingly become a bigger factor in their performance. If those CPUs did not get as hot in the first place, then much less energy would be needed to keep them …

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Devices based on Near-Field Thermal Radiation for high efficiency solar panels, thermal management of laptops and smartphones

Heat (i.e., thermal energy) is defined as the energy that is transferred spontaneously between two bodies due to difference in their temperature; heat flows from high to low temperature. There are three main well-known mechanisms for heat transfer: conduction through solid and fluids, convection through fluid, and radiation through solid, …

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Countries plan high endurance and stealthy diesel-electric submarines equipped with batteries

Naval Warfare depends a large extent on lethality and survivability of submarines, its principal weapon, therefore Navies have been researching new ways to make them quieter and increasing their underwater endurance. Propulsion system plays an extremely important role in the functioning of a submarine for the completion of its desired …

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US DOD developing Fuel Cells to power Military Vehicles, UAVs , Submarines, Military Bases to Soldier wearables

A fuel cell is a device that generates electricity by a chemical reaction. It converts hydrogen and oxygen into water, and in the process also creates electricity. Fuel cells provide many advantages, they are environment friendly as they don’t produce pollutants or greenhouse gasses, significantly improving our environment, high energy efficiency ( …

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Power systems, thermal management and cooling technologies are critical for wide employment of directed energy weapons

A directed-energy weapons (DEW) are ranged weapon systems that inflicts damage at a target by emission of highly focused energy, including laser, microwaves and particle beams. Potential applications of this technology include anti-personnel weapon systems, missile defense system, and the disabling of lightly armored vehicles or mounted optical devices   …

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Low‐Latency, Low‐Power technologies and communications devices are required for IoT Networks

The Internet-of-Things is an emerging revolution in the ICT sector under which interconnecting physical objects communicate with each other and/or with humans over internet in order to offer a given service.  The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people …

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Advances in Vertical and/or short take-off and landing (V/STOL) aircraft technology

Sometimes long runways  required by conventional aircrafts aren’t available to use or there is a need for an aircraft to use no runways at all.  Vertical take-off and landing VTOL technology means aircraft can theoretically take off and land almost anywhere, making them far more flexible. They’re also able to perform …

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Indian Army looks to tap renewables to supply power military installations and soldiers in high altitude areas such as Ladakh.

Ladakh accounts for more than two-thirds of the land area of the Indian state of Jammu & Kashmir. As a high altitude cold desert, though, it hosts only about 5% of the state’s population. With the mercury dipping to minus 20 degrees Celsius or lower during winter nights, and about minus …

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