Because of higher density chips, the design of more compact electronic components makes heat dissipation even more difficult. All advanced electrical or electronic devices are facing heat management challenges due to the increased levels of heat generation and the reduction in the surface area for heat rejection or dissipation. So …
Read More »DARPA’s N-ZERO extends the lifetime of IoT devices and remote sensors from months to years
Today U.S. soldiers are being killed because the Defense Department cannot deploy all the sensors it would like to. DoD could deploy sensors every few yards to detect buried improvised explosive device (IED). As it is, every sensor deployed today has to be battery powered, so even if vast sensor nets …
Read More »Military Wireless power transfer (WPT) technology to alleviate the battlefield battery burden for soldiers, manned and unmanned vehicles
Wireless power transfer (WPT) or wireless energy transmission is the transmission of electrical energy from a power source to a consuming device, without the use of discrete man-made conductors. WPT use wireless transmitter that uses any of time-varying electric, magnetic, or electromagnetic fields to convey energy to one or wore …
Read More »Microbial Fuel Cell (MFCs) becoming capable to provide continuous sustainable energy to power wireless ensors networks and underwater sensors
Microbial fuel cells (MFCs), generate electric energy by converting chemical energy from organic compounds through catalytic reactions by microorganisms. Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) are envisioned as one of the most promising alternative renewable energy sources because they can generate electric current continuously while treating waste. While these cells individually produce …
Read More »Australian scientists bring printable, flexible Solar cells close to commercialization
Scientists from Australia have produced the largest flexible, plastic solar cells, having 30 centimetre-wide panels and according to them the technology is close to commercialization stage.
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