NCW is theory of warfare in the information age which hypothesizes that forces which are networked will outperform forces that are not. NCW is an ‘integration of sensors, decision-makers, weapons platforms and support capabilities to enable agility’ providing ‘interoperability and collaboration within and between services’. According to U.S. Defense …
Read More »US Army’s Warfighter Network (WIN-T) provides high-speed, high-capacity and secure reliable voice, video and data communications anytime, anywhere without the need for fixed infrastructure
Today’s soldiers expect to have network access anywhere, anytime. With the Warfighter Information Network-Tactical (WIN-T), enables mission command and secure reliable voice, video and data communications on-the-move anytime, anywhere without the need for fixed infrastructure. First deployed in Iraq in 2004, WIN-T meant soldiers “had a high-speed, interoperable voice …
Read More »Industry transforming network design and network management through Automation, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning
In 2018, operators began to deploy 5G networks globally, which is now in full swing. Compared with 2G/3G/4G, 5G has a significant leap in key performance such as network speed, network latency and connections scale, which would allow it to support new service scenarios and applications. To support the typical …
Read More »Researchers employing sound waves to transmit and control Quantum information and quantum microphones to detect them
In quantum computing, a qubit or quantum bit is the basic unit of quantum information—the quantum version of the classical binary bit physically realized with a two-state device. A qubit is a two-state (or two-level) quantum-mechanical system, one of the simplest quantum systems displaying the peculiarity of quantum mechanics. Examples …
Read More »Millimeter or AEHF based Satellites to provide military Global, Assured, Protected, Survivable communications and Nuclear Command and Control
The current satellites mostly operate at lower frequencies like C- and X-bands each have 500 MHz of bandwidth and they are already crowded with users. Today, naval C- and X-band shipboard SATCOM terminals require supplemental EMI rejection filters to allow them to operate in a battle group environment, especially in close proximity …
Read More »DARPA’s RACE developing Secure Messaging Platform to provide WhatsApp like communication for troops on ground
Military is integrating Smartphones and tablets into their military operations, to enhance situational awareness and as backup communication in denied situations. Marines are considering airborne operations with tablets, Air Force looks at maintenance efficiencies, they have also widely used for training and education. They are also using ruggedized cases to …
Read More »Low‐Latency, Low‐Power technologies and communications devices are required for IoT Networks
The Internet-of-Things is an emerging revolution in the ICT sector under which interconnecting physical objects communicate with each other and/or with humans over internet in order to offer a given service. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people …
Read More »Researchers developing Full duplex technology to double the cellular capacity and alleviate the spectrum crunch for civil and military
Mobile subscribers are growing rapidly, by 2020, around three-fifths of the global population or 4.6 billion users will have a mobile subscription. In the future billions of machines will use mobile networks to connect with each other. All of these causes is leading to tremendous increase in data traffic. Mobile operators …
Read More »US DOD’s Enhanced Polar System to provide secure, jam-resistant, strategic and tactical communications to military in Arctic Region
US DOD’s Advanced Extremely High Frequency Satellite (AEHF) is a joint service satellite communications system that provides global, survivable, secure, protected, and jam-resistant communications for high priority military ground, sea, and air assets. The AEHF system provides joint, interoperable, assured connectivity for warfighters in operations in all levels of conflict–a …
Read More »Countries developing Network Centric or Distributed EW concepts for Modern Congested & A2/AD RF Environment
The adversaries are fielding increasingly sophisticated networked and agile systems, RF sensing and communications systems, including short-range tactical communications, long-range command and control (C2) communications networks, networked defensive systems, and RF seekers. This is partly due to rising commercial investments in RF materials, components, and subsystems thereby reducing the cost …
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