US DOD’s Advanced Extremely High Frequency Satellite (AEHF) is a joint service satellite communications system that provides global, survivable, secure, protected, and jam-resistant communications for high priority military ground, sea, and air assets. The AEHF system provides joint, interoperable, assured connectivity for warfighters in operations in all levels of conflict–a …
Read More »Countries developing Network Centric or Distributed EW concepts for Modern Congested & A2/AD RF Environment
The adversaries are fielding increasingly sophisticated networked and agile systems, RF sensing and communications systems, including short-range tactical communications, long-range command and control (C2) communications networks, networked defensive systems, and RF seekers. This is partly due to rising commercial investments in RF materials, components, and subsystems thereby reducing the cost …
Read More »DARPA developing milimmter wave wireless communications to connect dismounted warfighters using UAVs and provide 100 Gb/s RF Backbone (100G)using High-altitude, long-endurance platforms.
Modern expeditionary military missions generate and exchange massive amounts of data that are used to produce situational awareness and guide decision-making. Much of the data must travel long distances along backbone communications networks composed of high-capacity links that connect command centers. Fiber optic cables provide the core backbone for …
Read More »Soldiers require Secure, low-intercept and low-detection communications and networking technologies for future battlefield
The vision for the future soldier is to be combat effective and also highly mobile, adaptive, networked, sustainable with total battle space situation awareness and information assurance. Therefore, he is equipped with night- vision goggles, radios, smartphones, GPS, infrared sights, a laptop as well as batteries to power them. All …
Read More »Military exploring LiFi technology for secure high data rate communications for facilities, vehicles and submarines
The Li-Fi is a wireless communication system in which light is used as a carrier signal instead of traditional radio frequency as in Wi-Fi. Li-Fi is a technology that utilizes a light emitting diode to transmit data wirelessly. LiFi works by switching LEDs on and off within nanoseconds to communicate …
Read More »DARPA’s Communicating with Computers (CwC) developing technology to facilitate human-like communication between warfighters and their unamnned vehicles
The lifelong human imperative to communicate is so strong that people talk not only to other people but also to their pets, their plants and their computers. Straightforward as that may sound, communication involves several coordinated processes. The speaker puts ideas into words, the listener extracts ideas from words and, importantly, …
Read More »DARPA exploring the convergence of biology and electromagnetics for military communications and sensing
Radio frequency waves (RF) are electromagnetic waves between the frequencies of 3 kilohertz to 300 gigahertz, used in radio, cellphones, wi-fi, radar, GPS, and many other systems. While humans have used RF technology to communicate for over 100 years, no living organism has ever been observed using RF to communicate …
Read More »DARPA’s HERMES developed next generation extremely wideband, jam-resistant radios, based on RF photonics technology
Access to spectrum is also critical for future swarm of UAVs, In a vision shared by innovators, entrepreneurs, and planners in both defense and civilian contexts, the skies of the future will be busy with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Unseen but central to the realization of this vision is wireless communication …
Read More »DARPA CommEx developed cognitive radio technologies that maintain communications even under severe jamming environment
Russia, has displayed jamming and spoofing capabilities in the ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and Syria in the last several years. The use of Russian technology in these conflicts demonstrated that Russia retains advanced electronic warfare capabilities. Russia has deployed Electronic Intelligence (ELINT) and SIGINT aircraft, such as the Il-20, …
Read More »DARPA’s AMEBA developing transmitters that could communicate through walls, undersea and underground environment
Modern day radio transmitters and receivers, the devices that uses electromagnetic wave signals to communicate through cellphones, radios and television, seem to be present everywhere. The propagation of these electromagnetic waves has some limitation too, Key among these is that radio frequency signals hit veritable and literal walls when they …
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