Traditional navies as well as maritime terrorists can and have used mines and underwater improvised explosive devices (UWIEDs) to challenge military and commercial uses of the seas. More than thirty countries produce mines, and twenty countries export them. Iran has reportedly laid several thousand naval mines, North Korea’s 50,000, China 100,000 or so, and Russia …
Read More »Li-Fi Technology promise to bring the Internet ot IoT Under the Sea and improve Navy’s Ship and submarine communications
It is predicted that LEDs will be the ultimate light source in the near future powering indoor illumination, outdoor lamps, traffic signs, advertising displays, car headlights/taillights, etc. Now another technique promises to double the utility of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) by using their light as a medium for communication in a …
Read More »Lithium-ion Batteries powered Submarines, UUW and torpedoes have enhanced Stealth, endurance, speed and reliability
Batteries have been used on underwater applications for more than a century, for instance, lead-acid batteries have been used in conventionally powered submarines since the end of the 19th century. Since World War II, submarines have used lead acid batteries. Lead acid batteries are heavy, but they’re also a proven …
Read More »New technologies to aid Ocean search and rescue operations
Search and rescue (SAR) is the search for and provision of aid to people who are in distress or imminent danger. The general field of search and rescue includes many specialty sub-fields, typically determined by the type of terrain the search is conducted over. These include mountain rescue; ground search …
Read More »Russia launches World’s first floating Nuclear Reactor, to power military forward operating bases, disputed islands and Arctic
Small modular reactors (SMRs) defined as nuclear reactors generally 300MWe equivalent or less. SMRs have generated global interest, and potential future applications are a subject of international research directives. Their are around 50 different SMR designs worldwide according to the IAEA. Project proposals include use of SMRs for desalination, process …
Read More »China’s two aircraft carriers, the Liaoning and the Shandong, recently completed military drills in the South China Sea, plans to launch its third aircraft carrier by end of 2020 or early 2021
In 2015, the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC, China) Ministry of National Defense published its military strategy which highlighted the increasing importance of maritime dominance stating that “the traditional mentality that land outweighs sea must be abandoned, and great importance has to be attached to managing the seas and oceans …
Read More »Synthetic Aperture Sonar on Unmanned underwater vehicle (UUVs) and AUVs is transforming Mine Countermeasures and Undersea Warfare
SOund Navigation And Ranging or SONAR is a technique of distance measuring between detector and an object base on sound reflection. The distance can be calculated from propagation time and speed of sound in specific mediums. For military, Sonars are the eyes and ears of ships or submarines in water …
Read More »China militarizing deep-ocean as another domain of warfare by building deep sea Naval base in South China Sea and deep sea “space station.”
Like the British Royal Navy more than a century before it, the U.S. Navy has a command of the sea that affords the United States unrivaled international influence. By its use of the sea, which covers nearly three-quarters of the earth, a navy can do things that land-based forces cannot. …
Read More »Countries developing new, longer range and lethal heavyweight torpedos fired by ultraquiet submarines to kill adversaries
Torpedoes are self-propelled guided projectiles that operate underwater and are designed to detonate on contact or in proximity to a target. For the U.S. Navy, the modern torpedo enables submarines to defeat surface and undersea threats and gives surface ships and aircraft the means to reach beneath the surface and …
Read More »Countries led by Russia, US and China employing Supercavitation technologies to develop supersonic Submarines, Vessels, and Torpedoes
One of the biggest problems with trying to get torpedos to travel faster is the fact that water is a thousand more times dense than air, so in order to overcome that resistance researchers have had to try a variety of different techniques. One of the phenomenon called supercavitation uses …
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