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Internet becoming secure and faster through QUIC, the new transport protocol set to replace TCP and HTTP/3

As the Military and civilian technological systems, from fighter aircraft to networked household appliances, are becoming ever more dependent upon internet, they are also becoming more vulnerable to hackers  and electronic intruders. Electronic system security has become an increasingly critical area of concern for the DoD and the broader U.S. …

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Dark Web which hides illicit activities like buying and selling drugs, guns, and hacked data is now under Global Crackdown

The internet is actually made up of three different layers: the surface web, the deep web and the dark web. The top layer, the surface web, are web pages that show up using search engines such as Google. The deep web are web pages which search engines can’t access and …

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Software is becoming more vulnerable to cyber attacks, CVE identifies common vulnerabilities exploited by state and nonstate actors

In computer security, a vulnerability is a flaw or weakness in a system or network that could be exploited by a threat actor, such as an attacker, to manipulate or cause damage to the system in some way.  To exploit a vulnerability, an attacker must have at least one applicable tool …

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Cyber weapon technology becoming sophisticated capable of destroying critical infrastructure

Cyber warfare refers to the use of technology to launch attacks on nations, governments and citizens, causing comparable harm to actual warfare using weaponry. Cyber warfare has developed into a more sophisticated type of combat between countries, where you can destroy critical infrastructure such as power, telecommunications or banking by …

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Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA)’s Predictive Cyber Analytics Competition to develop proactive defence in a hostile and contested cyber environment.

Computing infrastructure is a key component of nearly all modern defence systems and providthroughes another attack surface for adversaries. Cyber security has been in an arms race for decades, with hackers continuously exposing new vulnerabilities and developers racing to patch them. Traditional cyber security methods only respond to known threats. However, …

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DARPA’s SIEVE project developing zero-knowledge proofs for demonstration of DoD capabilities particularly cybersecurity and cyberspace operations without revealing sensitive details

There are times when the highest levels of privacy and security are required to protect a piece of information, but there is still a need to prove the information’s existence and accuracy. For the Department of Defense (DoD), the proof could be the verification of a relevant capability. How can …

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DARPA’s Cyber Assured Systems Engineering (CASE) developing tools for designing embedded computing systems tolerant to cyberattacks

Embedded computers can be found in places such as smart home appliances, medical gear, cars, and even facilities such as power plants. And they run software that can be exploited just like any computer, warmed Ang Cui, founder and CEO of cybersecurity company Red Balloon. “This is probably the most …

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Increasing cyber threats to commercial and military ground vehicles is driving new approaches and research on vehicle cybersecurity

Increasingly, today’s vehicles feature driver assistance technologies, such as forward collision warning, automatic emergency braking, and vehicle safety communications. In the future, the deployment of driver assistance technologies may result in avoiding crashes altogether, particularly crashes attributed to human drivers’ choices. These vehicles depend on connectivity and technology that runs …

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DARPA’s RADICS develops Rapid Attack Detection, Isolation and Characterization Systems for cyber attacks on power grids

Across the United States, 3200 separate organizations own and operate electrical infrastructure. The widely dispersed nature of the nation’s electrical grid and associated control systems has a number of advantages, including a reduced risk that any single accident or attack could create a widespread failure from which it might take …

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DARPA’s Brandeis program developing tools and techniques to protect the private the private and proprietary information of individuals and enterprises

Significant technological advances are being made across a range of fields, including information communications technology (ICT); artificial intelligence (AI), particularly in terms of machine learning and robotics; nanotechnology; space technology; biotechnology; and quantum computing. The technologies are mostly dual use, in that they can be used as much to serve …

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