Artificial intelligence (AI) term was coined by John McCarthy, defined it as “the science and engineering of making intelligent machines”. The field was founded on the claim that a central property of humans, intelligence can be so precisely described that a machine can be made to simulate it. The general …
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Missile RF seekers being improved through Electronically steering, millimeter wave seekers, and Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) technology
In recent years, precision guided weapons play more and more important role in modern war. One of the greatest strengths of a precision strike missile is a reduction in the number of aircraft sorties required to destroy a target. One of the key contributors to the missile accuracy, lethality, and …
Read More »Missile seekers
Missile guidance concerns the method by which the missile receives its commands to move along a certain path to reach a target. On some missiles, these commands are generated internally by the missile computer autopilot. On others, the commands are transmitted to the missile by some external source. The missile …
Read More »Missile Guidance
Missile guidance concerns the method by which the missile receives its commands to move along a certain path to reach a target. On some missiles, these commands are generated internally by the missile computer autopilot. On others, the commands are transmitted to the missile by some external source. The missile …
Read More »Green ammonia
The challenges of our time are that the world’s population is growing more and more and fossil resources are running out. More people need more food and more energy. In order to protect the climate, we want to reduce the CO2 emissions. Researchers and Industry are focussing on sustainable technologies to …
Read More »CubeSat cameras and optical payloads for Earth Observation small satellites
Constellations of satellites are being proposed in large numbers; most of them are expected to be in orbit within the next decade. They will provide communication to unserved and underserved communities, enable global monitoring of Earth and enhance space observation. In a Low Earth Orbit (LEO), a satellite completes about …
Read More »DARPA 3DSoC developed high performance 3D ICs based on CNT FET for future DOD computation systems
Deployed electronic systems increasingly require advanced processing capabilities, however the time and power required to access system memory – commonly referred to as the “memory bottleneck” – takes a significant toll on their performance. Any substantial improvement in electronic system performance will require a radical reduction in memory access time …
Read More »3D heterogeneous integration enable higher performance and low cost IoT, military RADAR, communications, imaging and sensing
Electronics are deeply embedded into the fabric of our society, changing the way we live, work and play while bringing new efficiencies to our global lifestyles, industries, and businesses. We are in the era of the digital economy and ubiquitous connectivity, and the market forces driving data and systems growth …
Read More »Robotics simulator
Modelling is the process of representing a model (e.g., physical, mathematical, or logical representation of a system, entity, phenomenon, or process) which includes its construction and working. This model is similar to a real system, which helps the analyst predict the effect of changes to the system. Simulation of a …
Read More »Nanopowders
Nanopowders are defined as powdered materials with individual particles having sizes under 100 nanometers. International Standardisation Organisation (ISO) defines nanopowder is a solid powder-like substance of artificial origin that contains nanoobjects, aggregates or agglomerates of nanoobjects or a combination thereof; 2) an assembly of nanoparticles; 3) a powder, all particles …
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