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Yearly Archives: 2021

Advanced Armor materials enhance soldiers survivability by decreasing weight while increasing the level of protection

The wearing of body armour  provide troops an unparalleled advantage on the battlefield, improving survivability and reducing casualtiesis. It has also been very effective in reducing injuries and fatalities within the police force and correctional services.   Body armor for soldiers is designed to protect them from a variety of …

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Synthetic Aperture Radar sensor provides all-weather, day/night Military long range reconnaissance, surveillance and targeting to Helicopter Landing

In a complex world with unpredictable and constantly changing threats, having better information is the key to staying ahead and mitigating the threats. Security concerns across the global landscape reinforce the need for continuous awareness of one’s environment. A capability that can provide intelligence imagery anytime, in any type of …

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Synthetic Biology has enhanced asymmetric Bio warfare and Bio terrorism threat posed by biological weapons, in response US launches Biodefence Strategy

The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated that significant biological threats can and will emerge from nature without warning, demonstrating that a single viral strain can have a profound impact on modern society. It has also demonstrated that infectious diseases can rapidly spread throughout a population without human engineering making them the …

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New product introduction (NPI) processes or program (NPD) insures manufacturability and conformance with the global supply chain

Every year there are huge trade shows where companies reveal all the latest new products in hopes to draw interest from distributors, dealers and prospective customers. There are Auto shows, Electronics shows and Agricultural shows just to name a few. Most manufacturing companies participate in one or more of the …

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Earthquakes require new technologies for early warning , Search and Rescue, to delivering relief and care

Earthquakes are natural disasters that cause immense damage to life and property. They not only leave thousands of people homeless, but also ruin the lives of millions across the globe. Earthquakes affect many parts of the world every year. Every year, more than 50 thousand people die from earthquakes. Since …

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Countries like US, Russia and china are racing to deploy ground combat robots or UGVs, and testing their effectiveness on battlefield

An unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) is a vehicle that operates while in contact with the ground and without an onboard human presence. Generally, the vehicle will have a set of sensors to observe the environment, and will either autonomously make decisions about its behavior or pass the information to a …

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Rising security threats to Smart homes their security requirements and measures for protection

A smart home refers to a convenient home setup where appliances and devices can be automatically controlled remotely from anywhere with an internet connection using a mobile or other networked device. Devices in a smart home are interconnected through the internet, allowing the user to control functions such as security …

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NASA Perseverance Rover’s Entry, Descent and Landing on Mars required many Technology breakthroughs

Landing on Mars is hard. Two out of three missions to the red planet have failed. Hundreds of things have to go just right during this nail-biting drop. To get there, will have to fly through about 483 million kilometers (300 million miles) of deep space and target a very precise …

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Terahertz Photonics breakthroughs promise ultrahigh speed communication systems to medical imaging and diagnostics, industrial quality control, and security screening

Terahertz (THz, 1012 Hz) technology is based on light sources with frequencies much lower than of visible light, and slightly higher than of microwaves. Such light sources have a number of unique capabilities, for example that it can propagate through most insulating materials such as paper, plastic, cardboard, clothes etc., …

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Smart home devices have many security risks and threats to be exploited by hackers and Intelligence agencies for mass surveillance

The rise of the digital era has brought with it many wondrous changes to our daily lives, not least of which the fact that we now carry digital assistants with us everywhere we go in the form of smartphones, tablets, and laptop computers. At the same time this has also …

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