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DARPA CODE developing swarming UAVs to defeat A2/AD environments

US military is facing increasingly Anti-access /Area denial environment,  a set of overlapping military capabilities and operations designed to slow the deployment of U.S. forces to a region, reduce the tempo of those forces once there, and deny the freedom of action necessary to achieve military objectives . “A2/AD capabilities …

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USAF’s BLU-129/Bs or VLCDW is a Carbon Fiber Bomb with very low collateral damage but also extraordinarily expensive

Cities have become the new battleground and Hybrid or Urban Warfare the greatest threat being waged by ISIS to Boko Haram to Hamas to Ukraine rebels. Urban warfare is the only way the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria will be defeated. Urban environments negate many traditional U.S. military …

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DARPA enhancing Military COTS system security by automatically deploying secure configurations of Components

The growth of the internet-of-things (IoT) and network-connected composed systems (e.g., aircraft, critical-infrastructure, etc.) has led to unprecedented technical diversity in deployed systems. From consumer IoT devices developed with minimal built-in security, which are often co-opted by malware to launch large distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks on internet infrastructure, …

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