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Australian Defence boosts innovation through Defence Innovation Hub, Next Generation Technology Fund (NGTF) and Capability and Technology Demonstrator program

The rising tensions between the US and China has put Australia is a very awkward position. Its defence traditionally relied on the US which is now challanged by China. United  States Defence Secretary General James Mattis released the National Defense Strategy Commission’s assessment of the Pentagon’s defence strategy, warned that …

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Intelligent driver information system (IDIS) will improve road safety by reducing the risk of collisions

The rising road accidents which cause  serious injuries, and even fatalities  has lead industry to look for solution that can enhance safety both in terms of the vehicle and the operation of the vehicle. One of the technology is the the Intelligent Driver Information System is also known simply as …

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DARPA Gunslinger programme to enhance machinegun’s lethality by combiing them with missile

A machine gun is a fully automatic mounted or portable firearm designed to fire rifle cartridges in rapid succession from an ammunition belt or magazine.  Unlike semi-automatic firearms, which require one trigger pull per round fired, a machine gun is designed to fire for as long as the trigger is …

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