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Supercomputers can assist in Cyber Security by Identifying threats, detecting anomalous behaviour and finding software vulnerabilities

Supercomputers have  become essential for National Security, for decoding encrypted messages, simulating complex ballistics models, nuclear weapon detonations and other WMD, developing new kinds of stealth technology, and cyber defence/ attack simulation. Because of the expense, supercomputers are typically used for the most intensive calculations, like predicting climate change, or …

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Air Force testing tactical data links gateway for communications between F-22 and F-35 aircraft enabling Network centric systems

NCW is theory of warfare in the information age which hypothesizes that forces which are networked will outperform forces that are not. NCW is an ‘integration of sensors, decision-makers, weapons platforms and support capabilities to enable agility’ providing ‘interoperability and collaboration within and between services’.   According to U.S. Defense …

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Countries upgrading Counter Rocket, Artillery, and Mortar systems to counter threats like drones, helicopters, fixed-wing aircraft and cruise missiles

As the threat for Rocket, Artillery, and Mortar (RAM) increases around the world, the need for a system to detect and alert Soldiers of incoming rounds for military locations becomes vital to mission success and force survivability. Military installations such as forward operating bases are vulnerable to rocket, artillery and …

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