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Meta materials based Radar cloaks to hide warships, drones and fighter planes from radars

Stealth technology has proven to be one of the effective approaches to enhance the survivability of Aircrafts. Aircraft/helicopter designers are making them stealthier by reducing their signatures; viz. visual, aural, infrared (IR), and RADAR cross section. Advancements in stealth technologies, as demonstrated by the very low RCS of stealth aircraft …

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Quantum Gravity Sensor technology advancing for oil, gas and mineral exploration, resilient maritime navigation to brain mapping

Quantum sensors are measuring device that takes advantage of quantum correlations, such as states in a quantum superposition or entanglement, for better sensitivity and resolution than can be obtained by classical systems.  QP will boost the capabilities of all sorts of sensory devices, such as gravimeters, which are used to …

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Growing Threat of Non Lethal Weapons including Laser Dazzlers and Tasers employed by Military and Security to disorient, temporary blind or set to fire the adversaries

Recently the Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs), especially laser DEWs are being developed as non lethal weapons. DEW is a system  that uses Directed Energy primarily as a means to incapacitate, damage, disable or destroy enemy equipment, facilities and/or personnel. Directed energy has the potential to yield cost effective weapons that …

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