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Multi-factor authentication has become essential to protect accounts in commercial and military

The traditional, not so secure way to log in to your bank account: enter your username and that familiar password you probably use for most of your online accounts. Then, you’re in. You can go about your business. If you’re one of the 54% of consumers who, according to TeleSign, …

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New Manufacturing technologies paving the way for Silicon or Solid-state quantum computing

Quantum bits, or qubits, are the basic building blocks of quantum computers, just as bits are that of modern computers. Researchers around the world have been exploring a range of different physical systems to act as qubits, including trapping and isolating ions by using electromagnetic fields, photons trapped in microwave …

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Quantum Thermometer can measure temperatures inside a quantum computer to living cell

The world, say many experts, is on the verge of a second quantum revolution. The most talked-about of such technologies is the quantum computer, a device in theory so powerful that it could crack the codes underlying internet security in just a few minutes. But full-scale quantum computers are still …

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