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Rapid deployment of Directed Energy Weapons is leading to search and development of counter directed energy technologies, techniques and tactics

Directed-energy weapons are among a handful of maturing disruptive or asymmetric technologies that could confer game-changing technological advantages both as a superior defensive capability and as an effective electronic attack option. US Navy’s 30-kilowatt Laser Weapon System (LaWS) on USS Ponce is the first laser weapon to have attained Initial Operating …

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Iran develops Integrated Air Defense Network, deployed Russian S-300 systems integrated with indigenous Air Defense systems

Iran’s air defence command conducted what was billed as the first test launch of the indigenously developed Talash air defence system on 28 December 2016. The tests began with the launch of Iranian-made Sayyad-2 medium-range, high-altitude surface-to-air missile. The Sayyad-2 is a canister-launched version of the RIM-66 (SM-1) naval surface-to-air missile …

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US Naval S&T Strategy for decisive warfighting advantage, in anti-access, area denial environment

China is developing ever-advancing anti-access, area denial capacity and capabilities, through deployment of long-range aircraft equipped with anti-ship cruise missiles, submarines, surface ships with long-range missiles, and land-based ballistic missiles, putting into risk, any carrier operating within 1,000 miles of the Chinese coast. It is also employing advanced integrated air …

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