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Military exploring LiFi technology for secure high data rate communications for facilities, vehicles and submarines

The Li-Fi is a wireless communication system in which light is used as a carrier signal instead of traditional radio frequency as in Wi-Fi.  Li-Fi is a technology that utilizes a light emitting diode to transmit data wirelessly. LiFi works by switching LEDs on and off within nanoseconds to communicate …

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Advanced hostile fire detection (HFI) technologies to protect aircraft and combat vehicles against small arms, and RAMs

Compact, low cost, accurate hostile fire detection (HFI) solutions are essential to effectively protect aircraft and combat vehicles against small arms, RPGs, mortars, anti-aircraft artillery, and surface to air missiles. Detecting and classifying these types of threats is complicated by many factors including the need for full 360 coverage, requirement …

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DARPA’s DRINQS plans for 10X improvement in High-precision atomic clocks, measuring gravitational fields and quantum information applications.

The emerging quantum revolution offer revolutionary capabilities for military from quantum creptography for hack proof communications to High-precision atomic clocks that can enable timekeeping for navigation and communications with GPS-like performance even in GPS-denied environments. Another important area is quantum  computing based on quantum bits, or qubits, which can represent …

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