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Quantum cryptography vulnerable to hacking too, Researchers developing hackerproof MDI QKD schemes to enhance network encryption

With the age of quantum computing drawing ever-closer, traditional encryption methods are at risk. While brute force attacks can take months to break through security, quantum attacks can use more advanced techniques to break standard public key cryptography in a much shorter timeframe.   Quantum cryptography is an emerging technology …

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Continuing interest of Space agencies and Militaries to exploit Zero-Point Energy for applications like propulsion and for generating electric power.

Zero-point energy is the energy that remains when all other energy is removed from a system. Zero-point energy  is the lowest energy that a given quantum mechanical system can have (i.e., the ground state of the system). In quantum field theory, it refers to the energy of the vacuum (i.e., …

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Quantum engineering established at leading universities world-wide to realize quantum hardware of quantum computers, cryptography and sensors

Traditionally, quantum science has been a domain of fundamental research explored mostly by physicists. At the current state of the art the basic properties of the systems considered for realizing quantum hardware are understood at a great level of detail. Now, it becomes increasingly more important to develop quantum systems which …

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New Manufacturing technologies paving the way for Silicon or Solid-state quantum computing

Quantum bits, or qubits, are the basic building blocks of quantum computers, just as bits are that of modern computers. Researchers around the world have been exploring a range of different physical systems to act as qubits, including trapping and isolating ions by using electromagnetic fields, photons trapped in microwave …

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Quantum Thermometer can measure temperatures inside a quantum computer to living cell

The world, say many experts, is on the verge of a second quantum revolution. The most talked-about of such technologies is the quantum computer, a device in theory so powerful that it could crack the codes underlying internet security in just a few minutes. But full-scale quantum computers are still …

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Graphene Bolometers emerging as high speed and sensitive Quantum photon detectors for quantum computation and quantum communication

Measurement connects the world of quantum phenomena to the world of classical events. It has both a passive role—in observing quantum systems—and an active one, in preparing quantum states and controlling them. In quantum physics, a measurement is the testing or manipulation of a physical system in order to yield …

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DARPA’s DETECT developed Single photon detector (SPD) for quantum computers, communications, and submarine detection

The process of detecting light—whether with our eyes, cameras or other devices—is at the heart of a wide range of civilian and military applications, including light or laser detection and ranging (LIDAR or LADAR), photography, astronomy, quantum information processing, medical imaging, microscopy and communications, including underwater Blue-Green communications.  Detection of …

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Quantum Hyper Entanglement is a key enabler for high-capacity quantum communications, teleportation, processing and imaging

The extraordinary promise of quantum technology—depend on quantum “entanglement,” in which the physical states of two or more objects such as atoms, photons or ions become so inextricably connected that the state of one particle can instantly influence the state of the other—no matter how far apart they are. Today, …

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UK thrust on Quantum sensors including Quantum accelerometer for future accurate Navigation of submarines and missiles

Sensor technology vital for UK critical national infrastructure is becoming outdated, warn experts at the University of Birmingham-led UK Quantum Technology Hub Sensors and Timing. The current weakness threatens anticipated advances, many involving quantum technologies, across different sectors – including climate change, defence, transportation, energy supplies and healthcare.   The warning …

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Graphene enables room temperature single photon emitter and detector for unhackable Quantum Key Cryptography (QKD)

Quantum Key Distribution, or QKD, enables two remote parties, “Alice” and “Bob”, who are connected by a passive optical link to securely generate secret key material. Single-photon sources (SPSs) and single-photon detectors (SPDs) are key devices for enabling practical quantum key distributions (QKDs).  Single photon generation is necessary for secure quantum transmission; …

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