A supercomputer is a computer with a high level of computing performance compared to a general-purpose computer. Performance of a supercomputer is measured in floating-point operations per second (FLOPS) instead of million instructions per second (MIPS). There are supercomputers which can perform up to nearly a hundred quadrillions of FLOPS, …
Read More »Quantum radio may enable receivers with weakest radio signals and mapping in locations where GPS and ordinary cellphones and radios don’t work
Quantum sensing has become a distinct and rapidly growing branch of research within the area of quantum science and technology, with the most common platforms being spin qubits, trapped ions and flux qubits. Quantum sensors are measuring device that takes advantage of quantum correlations, such as states in a quantum …
Read More »Optical memory technologies promise speed of light computing, energy efficient data centers, 360 TB capacity and million year lifespan
The explosion of connected devices and digital services is generating massive amounts of new data. Digital world is growing exponentially from 4.4 zettabytes (10 21 or 1 sextillion bytes) of digital data created in 2013 to an expected 44 zettabytes by 2024. To make this data useful, it must be stored and analyzed …
Read More »DARPA’s COMPASS developing artificial intelligence based decision making software to help commanders in Hybrid Warfare
Hybrid Warfare (HW) is a military strategy that blends conventional warfare, irregular warfare, cyber warfare and subversion, and blurs the formal distinction between war and peace. It is often characterised by the use of fictitious propaganda, deniable forces, espionage, the mobilisation of ethnic, linguistic or confessional minorities, and terrorism. …
Read More »US Navy’s NTCDL Network for sharing real-time Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) data from surface, air, sub-surface, and man-portable systems
US Navy’s Network Tactical Common Data Link (NTCDL) Program provides the ability to transmit/receive real-time Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) data simultaneously from multiple sources (surface, air, sub-surface, man-portable), and exchange command and control information (voice, data, imagery, and Full Motion Video (FMV)) across dissimilar Joint, Service, Coalition, and civil …
Read More »DARPA seeks autonomous technologies for disaggregated Space architecture for space security
The space is increasing becoming another domain of conflict due to enhanced militarization along with proliferation of counter space weapons like electronic warfare, anti-satellite weapons, and DEW weapons. “Our space assets have come under risk, however, due to activities of adversaries to degrade, deny, or disrupt our ability to …
Read More »DARPA’s Ground Truth program will create war game for testing the validity of social science models
The social sciences can play important roles in assisting military planners and decision-makers who are trying to understand complex human social behaviors and systems, potentially facilitating a wide range of missions including humanitarian, stability, and counter-insurgency operations. Current social science approaches to studying behavior rely on a variety of …
Read More »DARPA MAA program aims to predict the terrorist threat of using weapons of mass terror (WMTs) through modeling and computational methods
DARPA launched the program Modeling Adversarial Activity (MAA) program with a goal to develop mathematical and computational techniques for modeling adversarial activity for the purpose of producing high-confidence indications and warnings of efforts to acquire, fabricate, proliferate, and/or deploy weapons of mass terror (WMTs). MAA assumes that an adversary’s …
Read More »DARPA’s TEE program developing skyrmion based high-density and energy-efficient magnetic information storage devices
In magnetic memories, information (for example, a collection of bits) is stored as clusters of spins, which are either an up or a down (or put differently, a one or a zero). These spin clusters, which form the basis of magnetic memories, become less stable when reduced in size. Magnetic …
Read More »Armed conflicts can be prevented or reduced using Early Warning tools to analyze, track, and forecast fragility and conflict
In 2017, Deadly crisis zones have rightly been in the news: The crisis in Yemen, in which Saudi Arabia used equipment provided by the US and UK to bomb noncombatants and blockade supplies, has seen the civilian death toll climb above 5,000; civil conflict still rages in Afghanistan and Nigeria; …
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