Logistics is often referred to as the “sinews of war”, linking forward-deployed units with support elements to ensure they are supplied, maintained and ready for the next operation. There is a saying in military circles – made famous by US Marine General Robert H Barrow – that amateurs study tactics, …
Read More »Self-healing materials for automatic repair of smartphones, soft actuators and robots to spacecrafts
Generally, materials will degrade over time due to fatigue, environmental conditions, or damage incurred during operation. Repair of certain materials during their lifecycle (especially those with structural functions such as concrete) can be very expensive and labour intensive. Therefore Scientists began developing self-healing materials , those artificial (synthetic) substances that …
Read More »DARPA MICE will quantify how authoritarian regimes control information
Authoritarianism is a form of government characterized by the rejection of political plurality, the use of strong central power to preserve the political status quo, and reductions in the rule of law, separation of powers, and democratic voting. Authoritarian states might contain nominally democratic institutions such as political parties, legislatures, …
Read More »DARPA EDGE enabling Human Control of Military Autonomous and AI based systems
Interactions with technologically sophisticated artificial intelligence (AI) agents are now commonplace. We increasingly rely on intelligent systems to extend our human capabilities, from chatbots that provide technical support to virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa. Examples of such systems include air traffic control, aircraft cockpits, chemical processing, and the power …
Read More »DARPA SSITH developed secure hardware architectures for Unhackable Military systems, FETT testing exploits to thwart Tampering
As 5G and IoT proliferation sweep across the planet, businesses and consumers are benefiting greatly from increased connectivity. However, this connectivity is also introducing greater risks and security concerns than ever before. As the Military and civilian technological systems, from fighter aircraft to networked household appliances, are becoming ever more …
Read More »DARPA IP2 seeks In Pixel Intelligent Processing tech
The AIE program is one key element of DARPA’s broader AI investment strategy that will help ensure the U.S. maintains a technological advantage in this critical area. Past DARPA AI investments facilitated the advancement of “first wave” (rule based) and “second wave” (statistical learning based) AI technologies. DARPA-funded R&D enabled …
Read More »DARPA SocialSim developing effective Information warfare analysis tools for social media
A rapidly increasing percentage of the world’s population is connected to the global information environment. At the same time, the information environment is enabling social interactions that are radically changing how and at what rate information spreads. Both nation-states and nonstate actors have increasingly drawn upon this global information environment …
Read More »USAF’s ISR dominance strategy for A2/AD environments based on disruptive technologies and the use of multi-role, cross-domain ISR collection capabilities
The U.S. military could suffer unacceptably high casualties and struggle to win, or perhaps lose, a war against China or Russia. This implication by the National Defense Strategy Commission stands in contrast to the past several decades during which the U.S. possessed military power without equal. A key capability to …
Read More »Human Factors in Human-Machine Teaming is critical for efficient and effective integration of soldiers with complex machines.
Interactions with technologically sophisticated artificial intelligence (AI) agents are now commonplace. We increasingly rely on intelligent systems to extend our human capabilities, from chatbots that provide technical support to virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa. Examples of such systems include air traffic control, aircraft cockpits, chemical processing, and the power …
Read More »Transforming Multiphysics Simulations using Quantum Computing
Modelling is the process of representing a model (e.g., physical, mathematical, or logical representation of a system, entity, phenomenon, or process) which includes its construction and working. This model is similar to a real system, which helps the analyst predict the effect of changes to the system. Simulation of a …
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