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Electronics & EW

Rectenna or rectifying antenna critical technology for wireless power systems, powering military drones, and receiving solar power from satellites

Over the past two decades, many wireless systems have been developed and widely used around the world. The most important examples are cellular mobile radio and Wi-Fi systems. Just like radio and television broadcasting systems, they radiate electromagnetic waves/energy into the air but a large amount of the energy is …

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Ultrasound sensors becoming cheap, miniaturized and ultrasensitive leading to wide employment in automotive, healthcare, industrial, and electronics.

As the name indicates, ultrasonic sensors measure distance by using ultrasonic waves. The basic working principle of these sensors is based on echolocation, which involves transmission of ultrasonic waves to the target object, which reflects it back to the source after receiving the initial wave. The ultrasonic sensors detect the exact …

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Active and Passive Millimeter Wave imaging systems employed for security screening at the airports and finding landmines

Electromagnetic waves in the millimeter-wave band  (with frequencies between 30 and 300 GHz, or wavelengths between 10 and 1.0 mm) have attractive characteristics. One of their features is the wider usable frequency band compared with waves in the microwave band or lower bands. Another feature of using the millimeter-wave band is the fact …

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US Navy’s SEWIP program continuously upgrading its shipboard electronic warfare system to keep pace with threats

Naval Warships now faces wide spectrum of threats from air threats such as hypersonic missiles, ballistic and cruise missiles, rail guns, lasers , UAVs  and underwater threats like cavitating torpedoes.  One of the prime over water threat is from Anti-Ship Missiles type of guided missiles mostly of the sea skimming …

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New Magneto resistive materials enable ultrasensitive magnetic field sensors, brain-like computing chips and 3D magnetic memory

Magneto resistor is a type of resistor whose resistance changes when an external magnetic field is applied. In other words, the flow of electric current through the magneto resistor changes when an external magnetic field is applied to it.   Magnetic field is the region present around a magnetic object …

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Rising employment of millimetre or EHF based radars, communications and seekers by Military creating new electronic warfare challenges

The advancement of Sensors, Communications and Radars have given rise to Electronic Warfare, which encompasses, in all battle phases, military actions involving the use of EM energy to determine, exploit, reduce or prevent hostile use of EM spectrum and the actions, which retain friendly use of the EM spectrum. The …

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High-Temperature Electronics technologies for extreme environment like Geothermal vents, aircraft engines, gas turbines and hypersonic structures.

“Electronics have dramatically changed the way we live, conduct business, communicate, and educate. Visions of the future foretell of ubiquitous computing and sensing. However, the environments in which electronics can reliably operate are limited. In consumer applications, typical operating temperatures range from -40° to 85°C. The “wider” military temperature range …

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Militaries developing Multidomain Command and Control (MDC2) technologies including interoperable wideband line-of-sight radio communications for land, sea and satellite links

The emerging battlefield is a multi-domain battlefield which shall include all the traditional domains of land, air and sea as well as Cyber, Space, Low Intensity conflicts, Information warfare including Psychological warfare and cognitive warfare shall be exploited by our adversaries simultaneously or in any desired combinations.   Implementing multi …

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Russia and China testing US’s HAARP like Radar, for weather modification or jamming american submarines

The U.S.  Navy and DARPA ran a facility–the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) in Gakona, Alaska—before it was passed to the University of Alaska in 2014. HAARP  was a research program to study ionosphere and its response to high frequency excitations from ground. “The official objective of the …

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Hi-Resolution 4D Imaging Radar is emerging as complementary sensor to LIDAR for fully autonomous cars

Although the hardware and software technology for fully autonomous cars is ready today, the cars themselves may still be a decade or more away, vehicle experts said at the recent North American International Auto Show in Detroit. The challenge for automakers and suppliers lies in test and validation, as well …

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