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Electronics & EW

US DOD developing Cryogenic Signal Intelligence (SIGINT) systems for future Electronic Warfare

Cryogenics is the study of the production of extremely cold temperatures and is a field of science that looks at what happens when materials, whether metals or gases, are exposed to very low temperatures. The range of temperature associated with cryogenics does tend to vary but is usually associated with …

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Antennas breakthroughs enabling IoT, 5G, WiFi, Wearables, Military communications, radar, and electronic warfare.

Antennas are our electronic eyes and ears on the world. They play a very important role in mobile networks, satellite communications system, military communications, radars and electronic warfare by transforming a Radiofrequency ( RF) signal, traveling on a conductor, into an electromagnetic wave in free space and vice versa. The …

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DARPA SSPARC developed spectrum-sharing technologies between military radars and communication systems for assured access to contested electromagnetic environment

Spectrum congestion is a growing problem. It increasingly limits operational capabilities due to the increasing deployment and bandwidth of wireless communications, the use of net-centric and unmanned systems, and the need for increased flexibility in radar and communications spectrum to improve performance and to overcome sophisticated countermeasures.   Ongoing wireless …

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Propulsion motors are enabling stealthy warships and submarines  propelled with an electric propulsion system

Navies of various countries have announced making their warships and submarines  propelled with an electric propulsion system. Instead of driving the ship’s propellers directly, diesel engines turn electric generators, which in turn power electric motors that drive the propellers. This arrangement enables diesels to be placed away from the shafts and …

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NATO refocussing on development of Electronic Warfare to match sophiticated capabilites of its adversaries

For NATO forces, the Electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) is an essential part of military operations, so much so that many Allied leaders now see the EME as an operational environment and a part of the battlespace where friendly forces manoeuvre in time, location, and spectrum to create electromagnetic effects in support …

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Neutron Beams can detect Nuclear Warheads and disable them

Despite making reductions in their arsenals, both the USA and Russia have extensive and expensive programmes under way to replace and modernize their nuclear warheads, missile and aircraft delivery systems, and nuclear weapon production facilities. The Nuclear Race between US, Russia, and China through their continuous modernization of all the …

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Heterogeneous Integration Technology enhance capability of military RADAR, communications, imaging and sensing systems, DARPA’s DAHI, and CHIPS led its development

Modern warfare is increasingly dependent on microelectronics capabilities that sense the environment, convert the signals into data streams, process the information, and generate a response. In this sense, Aerospace and Defense (A-D)  systems are quite similar to commercial systems that perform communications and computations, while taking advantage of the advancement …

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Risind threat of rising Mass shooting incidents, Security Forces deploying technologies AI based Gunfire detection systems, and imaging radars

Assaults by firearm kill about 11,000 people in the US each year, which translates to a roughly 1-in-370 lifetime chance of death from gun violence. That’s almost 50% more likely than the lifetime odds of dying while riding inside a car, truck, or van. These measures also suggest Americans are …

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Countries develop Sonic Weapons, the silent weapons used in counter-terrorist and crowd control settings

Sonic weapons employ extremely high-power sound waves  to disrupt or destroy the eardrums of a target and cause severe pain or disorientation. This is usually sufficient to incapacitate a person. Less powerful sound waves can cause humans to experience nausea or discomfort. The use of these frequencies to incapacitate persons …

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New radars can detect Drones carrying IEDs, biological or chemical agents, a critical technology for Counter UAS systems

The increased commercialization of drones is increasing the risks that these drones can be used by terrorists and criminals. The small drones such as a quadcopter or model airplane are readily available and it is highly probable that existing technology would allow unfriendly forces to retrofit them, giving the aircraft …

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