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Electronics & EW

Missile RF seekers being improved through Electronically steering, millimeter wave seekers, and Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) technology

In recent years, precision guided weapons play more and more important role in modern war. One of the greatest strengths of a precision strike missile is a reduction in the number of aircraft sorties required to destroy a target. One of the key contributors to the missile accuracy, lethality, and …

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Missile Guidance

Missile guidance concerns the method by which the missile receives its commands to move along a certain path to reach a target. On some missiles, these commands are generated internally by the missile computer autopilot. On others, the commands are transmitted to the missile by some external source. The missile …

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DARPA 3DSoC developed high performance 3D ICs based on CNT FET for future DOD computation systems

Deployed electronic systems increasingly require advanced processing capabilities, however the time and power required to access system memory – commonly referred to as the “memory bottleneck” – takes a significant toll on their performance. Any substantial improvement in electronic system performance will require a radical reduction in memory access time …

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3D heterogeneous integration enable higher performance and low cost IoT, military RADAR, communications, imaging and sensing

Electronics are deeply embedded into the fabric of our society, changing the way we live, work and play while bringing new efficiencies to our global lifestyles, industries, and businesses. We are in the era of the digital economy and ubiquitous connectivity, and the market forces driving data and systems growth …

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Bioelectronics promise more sustainable, biologically produced products including Touch Sensors and Printed Electronics

Bioelectronics is the discipline resulting from the convergence of biology and electronics and it has the potential to significantly impact many areas important to the nation’s economy and well-being, including healthcare and medicine, homeland security, forensics, and protecting the environment and the food supply.  It is being fostered by the …

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High gain Antennas including Membrane reflectarray antennas on Small Satellites / Cubesats enable High resolution SmallSat SAR/SIGINT and high capacity communications missions

The small satellite is one of the fast growing sectors in space industries. Small satellites usually refer to satellites below 500 kg, including minisatellite (100–500 kg), microsatellite (10–100 kg), nanosatellite (1–10 kg), picosatellite (0.1–1 kg), and femtosatellite (<0.1 kg).   Cube Satellites, aka CubeSats, are a class of nano satellites …

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Nanocoatings for consumer and military electronic devices

Nanotechnology is an industry that has recently begun to offer breakthrough solutions to the world. The incorporation of nanomaterials into thin films, coatings and surfaces leads to new functionalities, completely innovative characteristics and the possibility to achieve multi-functional coatings and smart coatings. The use of nanomaterials also results in performance enhancements …

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Aircraft Antennas Requirements and market growth

Antennas are used for a huge range of applications, from mobile phones and “smart” WiFi-connected appliances to GPS and systems that track aircraft and help pilots land safely. Over the years, several distinct types of antennas have come into common use, with designs, frequencies and operating power levels that depend …

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3D Radars for Counter stealth Aircraft, Counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems (C-UAS) to Air and Missile defence systems

Radar, electromagnetic sensor used for detecting, locating, tracking, and recognizing objects of various kinds at considerable distances. It operates by transmitting electromagnetic energy toward objects, commonly referred to as targets, and observing the echoes returned from them.  Energy is emitted in various frequencies and wavelengths from large wavelength radio waves to …

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DARPA JUMP creating next generation microelectronics for dominance in future Battlefield Internet of Things

DARPA pursues game-changing technologies and capabilities in a way that provides a surprising advantage for U.S. and Allied warfighters and at a much faster pace than the state of the art. DARPA’s work with the Services and other agencies aims to meet not just known but as-yet unrecognized needs and …

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