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Unveiling the Dragon’s Eyes: China’s Cutting-Edge Counter Stealth Radar Technology

In recent years, China has made remarkable advancements in counter stealth radar technology. This cutting-edge technology has the potential to neutralize stealth aircraft, which are considered to be the most lethal and sophisticated weapons systems in modern warfare. In this article, we will explore China’s progress in this field and how it may impact the future of air warfare.

Stealth aircraft are designed to be undetectable by conventional radar systems. Their shape, composition, and special coatings absorb and scatter radar waves, making them nearly invisible to radar. This gives them a significant tactical advantage, as they can operate undetected in enemy airspace and carry out missions such as reconnaissance, air-to-ground strikes, and air superiority.

However, China has been investing heavily in developing counter stealth radar technology, which can detect and track these elusive aircraft. This technology uses a variety of advanced techniques, including ultra-wideband radar, passive radar, and active electronically scanned arrays (AESA).

Ultra-wideband radar operates at very high frequencies and can detect and track targets with very low radar cross-sections, such as stealth aircraft. It uses a wide spectrum of frequencies to transmit and receive radar signals, providing highly accurate and detailed information about the target.

Passive radar, also known as passive coherent location (PCL), uses existing radio signals, such as television and radio broadcasts, to detect and track aircraft. This technology has the advantage of being highly covert, as it does not emit any radar signals that can be detected by the target.

AESA technology uses an array of small, electronically controlled radar antennas to transmit and receive radar signals. This allows the radar system to quickly and accurately scan a wide area and detect targets with very low radar cross-sections. AESA radars are more powerful and flexible than traditional radars, and they are less susceptible to jamming. China has been developing AESA radars for several years, and it has now deployed them on a number of its aircraft, including the J-20 stealth fighter.

China has already deployed several counter stealth radar systems, including the JY-27A counter stealth radar and the JY-26 Skywatcher radar. The JY-27A is a long-range, 3D surveillance radar that can detect stealth aircraft at ranges of up to 500 kilometers. The JY-26 Skywatcher is a mobile, 2D surveillance radar that can detect and track targets at ranges of up to 500 kilometers.

One of the most important developments in Chinese counter stealth radar technology is the use of quantum radar. Quantum radar uses quantum effects to detect targets, making it much more difficult to jam or deceive. In 2018, China’s Nanjing Research Institute of Electronics Technology announced that it had developed a prototype quantum radar that could detect stealth aircraft at ranges of over 100 kilometers.

China has also been working on other technologies to improve its counter stealth radar capabilities. These include the development of new radar waveforms that are more effective at detecting stealth aircraft, and the development of new algorithms that can better process radar data.

For a deeper understanding of Counter stealth Radar technology please visit: Unveiling the Shadows: Mastering Counter Stealth Radar Technology

CETC introduces next-gen radar system at expo

China has developed a next-generation radar system that can detect all types of air threats, including stealth aircraft and drones, at longer ranges and with higher accuracy than previous systems. The new radar uses an active phased array antenna system that can transmit and receive signals in multiple directions, providing a 360-degree view of the airspace. The system can also operate in highly congested and noisy electromagnetic environments, making it highly effective in modern warfare scenarios. This development represents a significant advancement in radar technology and may give China a tactical advantage in future conflicts.

The YLC-16 multifunctional S-band radar system incorporates an all-digital, full-solid active phased array, advanced chips and other state-of-the-art technologies and is capable of detecting and tracking stealth aircraft, helicopters, drones, cruise missiles and loitering munitions, said Tang Ji, a manager at the CETC 14th Institute in Nanjing, Jiangsu province.

The next-generation radar system developed by China uses an active phased array antenna system, which is composed of numerous small antenna elements that can be electronically controlled to transmit and receive radar signals. This allows the radar to scan the airspace rapidly and accurately, providing high-resolution images of targets with a low radar cross-section, such as stealth aircraft and drones.

One of the key advantages of this radar system is its ability to operate in highly congested and noisy electromagnetic environments. This is achieved through advanced signal processing techniques that can distinguish between different signals, filter out noise, and provide a clear and accurate picture of the airspace.

Thanks to its cutting-edge technologies and modular designs, the YLC-16 features a streamlined appearance, low power consumption and a high level of operational stability and reliability, Tang said. These advantages will enable users to field the radar in regions with tough conditions such as high mountains, uninhabitable islands and plateaus, and controllers can remotely operate the equipment, the manager said, noting data can be transmitted back in real time via optical fiber, microwave or satellite.

Another notable feature of the new radar system is its long-range capability. It can detect and track targets at ranges of up to 500 kilometers, which is significantly longer than previous systems. This provides Chinese military forces with a greater situational awareness and allows them to respond more quickly to threats.

Overall, the next-generation radar system developed by China represents a significant advancement in radar technology. Its ability to detect and track all types of air threats at longer ranges and with higher accuracy than previous systems may give Chinese military forces a tactical advantage in future conflicts.




China’s progress in counter stealth radar technology has significant implications for the future of air warfare. It may neutralize the advantage that stealth aircraft have had for several decades and force countries with significant air power to reconsider their strategies.

The development of Chinese counter stealth radar technology is a major development that has the potential to change the balance of power in the air. If China is able to deploy this technology on a large scale, it will be able to significantly improve its air defense capabilities and pose a greater challenge to its adversaries.



In conclusion, China’s cutting-edge counter stealth radar technology represents a major development in modern warfare. As countries continue to develop more advanced weapons systems, it is likely that we will see further progress in this field. While the deployment of counter stealth radar systems may change the dynamics of air warfare, it remains to be seen how it will impact the balance of power in the long run.


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About Rajesh Uppal

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