A miniature UAV or small UAV (SUAV) is an unmanned aerial vehicle small enough to be man-portable. Miniature UAVs range from micro air vehicles (MAVs) that can be carried by an infantryman, to man-portable UAVs that can be carried and launched like an infantry man-portable air-defense system. The term is …
Read More »Compact Electronic noses can monitor air quality, diagnoze diseases to biohazards like covid-19, explosives and nerve gas
Government and local law enforcement agencies have employed canines for decades to sniff explosives and such banned goods as fresh produce, exotic wildlife, undeclared currency and illicit drugs. Now researchers are developing electronic noses imitating the sense of smell of humans and animals especially dogs. The smells are composed of molecules, …
Read More »Rising Maritime threats require Smart Ports, Ship security and safety technologies to improve security and stability of maritime domain
The oceans are vital to the overall growth of the world economy and population, and to the continued economic integration of nations. The oceans are a primary source of food, energy, and transportation, all key requirements of human activity in an interconnected world. They are also essential to meet the …
Read More »Drones that can Autonomously launch and Land from a moving platform are new requirements for Defense and Security
An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) ( commonly known as a drone) is an aircraft without a human pilot on board. UAVs are a component of an unmanned aircraft system (UAS); which include a UAV, a ground-based controller, and a system of communications between the two. The flight of UAVs may …
Read More »Fire safety of High-rise buildings several unique challenges require new solutions and technologies
The World Trade Center events of September 11, 2001, focused the world’s attention on high-rise buildings. Since that time, there have been several other events that have kept the world’s attention on high-rise building fire safety, including fires in Madrid, Venezuela, and two in Chicago. The two deadliest high-rise fires …
Read More »France thrust on counter terrorism initiatives after glaring security gaps exposed by brazen attacks
France suffered a series of deadly terror attacks in November 2015. In 2015, the brazen murders of 17 innocent people, in three separate attacks in as many days, have revealed serious breaches and lapses in the French system of intelligence, surveillance and security, according to numerous counterterrorism experts. In July …
Read More »Changing role of Military Scientific and Technical Intelligence ( S&TI)
If the Militaries are to fight and win in future wars, it must thoroughly understand the challenges that it will face and how those challenges will impact the way it intends to fight. It must act now to ensure that it possesses a technological edge over its adversaries. This is …
Read More »IARPA pursues anticipatory intelligence to predict the unpredictable , Video to open source collection & analysis to Quantum amd Exascale computing
The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) is an organization within the Office of the Director of National Intelligence that funds high-risk, high-payoff research to overcome difficult challenges relevant to the United States Intelligence Community. IARPA was given the mandate to conduct cross-community research, target new opportunities and innovations, and …
Read More »New efficient, high brightness, and tunable Quantum cascade laser (QCL)s technologes from mid-wave infrared (MWIR) to Terahertz region promise chemical warfare agents & hidden explosives detectors, to infrared countermeasure (IRCM) systems
Compact, chip-based lasers have conquered much of the electromagnetic spectrum, from ultraviolet to infrared, enabling technologies from digital communications and barcode readers to laser pointers and printers. Diode lasers depend on the process of electron-hole recombination: an electron from the conduction band recombines with a hole in the valence band, …
Read More »Indian Threat Scenario, National security threats and future military capability requirements
There are two approaches to connect Warfighting and emerging technologies. One is to consider the present and future threat environment and then through system analysis we can identify technologies required to mitigate those threats. Secondly, we can identify the emerging technologies that can offer new military capability. Coming to …
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