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Militaries developing robots, ground vehicles and drones to detect and detonate land mines and IEDs

Several countries suffer from the existence of millions of buried landmines in their territories. These landmines have indefinite life, and may still cause horrific personal injuries and economic dislocation for decades after a war has finished.   Landmines, improvised explosive devices (IEDs), and other homemade bombs struck 6,461 people worldwide …

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Border Agents can fight the Threat of Drug trafficking networks by portable Drug Detection Devices that can identify drugs within seconds

Criminal networks traffic a range of drugs including cannabis, cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine.  As international borders become increasingly porous, global abuse and accessibility to drugs have become increasingly widespread.   This international trade involves growers, producers, couriers, suppliers and dealers. It affects almost all of our member countries, undermining political …

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Countries demand new security features in Bank notes to stay ahead of currency counterfeiters

Counterfeit money is imitation currency produced without the legal sanction of the state or government usually in a deliberate attempt to imitate that currency and so as to deceive its recipient. Producing or using counterfeit money is a form of fraud or forgery.   Counterfeit currency has been in circulation …

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ISIS still a threat to the US and the World capable of wreaking havoc and bloodshed

In spite of repeated assertions by Trump of his administration’s success in defeating the terrorist organization and destroying its so-called caliphate in Iraq and Syria, experts still think that ISIS remains a threat. While ISIS’s so-called “caliphate” has been destroyed, and it no longer holds even a fraction of the …

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Defence and Security require advanced authentication techniques including high speed, and accurate biometric identification

As attack vectors increase with the burgeoning of the Internet of Things (IoT), the Defense sector is exposed to different risks that require increasingly advanced authentication techniques. Today’s threat players are using more sophisticated social engineering tactics, credential-stuffing botnets, and account takeover tactics to pull off all sorts of attacks. …

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Requirement of New military technology for aircrews in Helicopters and small aircraft to detect and avoid thin artificial objects such as power lines

Helicopters and small aircraft flying at low altitude in the visual flight rules often strike against obstacles. According to the aircraft accident reports in Japan, many collisions by small aircraft were caused by long, thin artificial objects as power lines because they are often very difficult to find by pilot …

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New counter-terrorism training technologies prepare security forces for every possible terror scenario

Today’s terrorist landscape is more fluid and complex than ever and the threat landscape is less predictable. The United States and our allies face an increasingly complex terrorist landscape, populated by a diverse array of actors employing new technologies and tactics to advance their agendas. The terrorist threat to the …

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New Radiation detecting sensors and systems being developed for threat of dirty bomb attack and Nuclear accidents

There is also  growing concern that the widespread availability of radiological materials may result in a dirty bomb attack. Recently a secret group of fewer than 10 people in undercover congressional operation was easily able to buy the raw ingredients for a dirty bomb in US. This has set off alarms among …

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Attacking ISIS by Cyber warfare and dropping cyber bombs was new strategy implemented by US, UK & Australia

United States opened a new line of combat against the Islamic State, directing the military’s eight-year-old Cyber Command for the first time to mount computer-network attacks that are now being used alongside more traditional weapons. In 2009, US established, USCYBERCOM for more effective and coordinated efforts for conducting cyberspace operations. Cyber Command, …

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Cyber criminals favouring stealthier attacks like Cryptojacking to make free money

Cyber criminals are switching away from ransomware to stealthier attacks as the main sources of generating revenue, according to analysis by British artificial intelligence (AI)-based cyber security firm Darktrace. Cryptojacking is the unauthorized use of someone else’s computer to mine cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency is a form of digital currency that can …

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