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Security & Threat Management

Non-Line-of-Sight Imaging can be transformative in medicine, robotics, manufacturing, and security

We see things because our eyes are sophisticated light detectors: they constantly capture the light rays bouncing off nearby objects so our brain can construct an ever-changing impression of the world around us. Similarly in  a camera, All the light traveling from the object enters a single lens before it …

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Health impacts of Radionuclides in Drinking Water and technology solutions to remove them

Radionuclides are types of atoms that are radioactive. The most common radionuclides in drinking water are radium, radon and uranium. Radionuclides occur naturally as trace elements in rocks and soils as a consequence of the “radioactive decay” of uranium-238 (U-238) and thorium-232 (Th-232). As these rocks weather, the resulting clays …

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New Physical and behavioral Biometrics technologies with increased accuracy and security being developed

Identity theft is increasingly a 21st-Century problem. As more data moves off of physical paper and onto Internet-connected servers, the chances of that data getting stolen increases as well. According to the FTC, there were 2.8 million fraud reports from consumers in 2021, a nearly 27% increase over the 2.2 …

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New Airport Security technology breakthroughs combatting increasingly complex threat environment

Commercial aviation plays a central role in our daily lives and is an essential part of the national economy. More than 100,000 flights take off and land every day across the world. More than billion passengers go by air every year as do over  20 million  tonnes of freight. It …

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DOD looks to secure Content delivery Network (CDN) services to stream its mission-critical and sensitive information

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a globally distributed network of web servers or Points of Presence (PoP) whose purpose is to provide faster content delivery. The content is replicated and stored throughout the CDN so the user can access the data that is stored at a location that is …

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High Frequency Surface Wave Radars (HFSWR) for Ship detection and tracking far beyond the horizon

In recent years organized crime in maritime regions has flourished, threatening both secure flow of goods from Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ)  and lives of participants in the marine operations. Security threats and humanitarian risks caused by trafficking (drugs, weapons, etc.), irregular transport of migrants, maritime terrorism or even piracy are …

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DNA technology trends advancing from DNA profiling to portraying criminals using DNA data

DNA technology, the study and manipulation of genetic material has revolutionized modern science. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a molecule that contains the biological instructions that make each species unique. DNA, along with the instructions it contains, is passed from adult organisms to their offspring during reproduction. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), or an …

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Countries advance Border management Strategy and technology to counter terrorists, and criminals, smuggling weapons, and illegal drugs, and counterfeit goods

In an increasingly globalised and interconnected world it has become simple for people and goods to cross borders and so for terrorists. America’s borders and ports are busy places, with tens of millions of cargo containers and hundreds of millions of lawful travelers entering the country each year, while tens …

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Threat of Radiological warfare, Radiological weapons and Dirty Bombs

The threats of chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive (CBRNE) hazards continue to advance. CBRN weapons are some of the most indiscriminate and deadly weapons in existence today, with capability to affect large population in wide geographical area and in short time. The release of Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear …

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Supercomputers enable timely and relaible Weather Forecasting allowing DOD estimate impact on military operations and plan weather warfare

“A supercomputer takes very complex problems and breaks them down into parts that are worked on simultaneously by thousands of processors, instead of being worked on individually in a single system, like a regular computer. Thanks to parallel processing, researchers and scientists can generate insight much faster considering a laptop …

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