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Militaries looking for anti-laser weapon defences as laser DEW threats to airline pilots, soldiers and military vehicles is rising

Laser attacks targeting pilots and air crews are a major concern across the world with most attacks reported to take place during take-off and landing. According to figures from the US Federal Aviation Authority, there were 6,753 laser illuminations reported in 2017. Until recently, the expense of lasers had limited their use …

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Rising conflicts and terrorist threats driving large growth in Military Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Personal protective equipment (PPE) includes items that must be worn in combat and in training. Military personal protective equipment has become a crucial and standard element of soldier equipment. Increasing awareness about safety and security of military personals along with initiative by government in procurement of personal protective wears is …

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Scientists develop new technologies for Blast Pressure Sensors and protection from traumatic brain injury

Some 1 million people suffer traumatic brain injuries annually. Concussion can cause inner ear damage that can cause dizziness, anxiety, depression, moodiness, balance problems and irritability, said Elizabeth Kirkpatrick, the physical therapist for the Fort Drum Traumatic Brain Injury Clinic. The three different forms of TBI—severe, moderate, and mild—all manifest …

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US Army’s Warfighter Network (WIN-T) provides high-speed, high-capacity and secure reliable voice, video and data communications anytime, anywhere without the need for fixed infrastructure

Today’s soldiers expect to have network access anywhere, anytime. With the Warfighter Information Network-Tactical (WIN-T), enables mission command and secure reliable voice, video and data communications on-the-move anytime, anywhere without the need for fixed infrastructure.   First deployed in Iraq in 2004, WIN-T meant soldiers “had a high-speed, interoperable voice …

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Militaries fielding portable Manpack electronic warfare systems to gather intelligence and as offensive electronic attack system

Electronic warfare (EW) is any action involving the use of the electromagnetic spectrum or directed energy to control the spectrum, attack of an enemy, or impede enemy assaults via the spectrum. The purpose of electronic warfare is to deny the opponent the advantage of, and ensure friendly unimpeded access to, …

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US military developing brain implants to treat depression and PTSD in soldiers and boosting memory

Large number of Americans suffer from PTSD. PTSD is a condition in which individuals feel anxiety and panic when reminded of a traumatic event. Current statistics suggest that between 6.8 and 10.1 percent of Americans will develop PTSD in their lifetimes making it the 5th most common psychiatric illness. “For …

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DARPA ElectRx developed automatic Self-Healing of Body by stimulating nerves by light, electricity, sound and magnets

Service members are subject to extreme physical injury and mental stress.  Wounded soldiers often experience substantial pain, which must be addressed before returning to active duty or civilian life. Pain represents a serious and widespread problem both over the short term for wounded soldiers on the battlefield and during rehabilitation, …

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DARPA BOLT developing handheld device that can translate Language in real time

Being able to converse with people who don’t speak English is essential for the Army, since every day, Soldiers are partnering with militaries in dozens of countries around the world. A number of speech-translator devices are available commercially, and Soldiers have been using them. However, speech translators are seldom completely accurate …

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Skin patches to diagnose diseases, monitor soldiers’ health, and stress levels in combat

Biomedical sensors present an exciting opportunity to measure human physiologic parameters in a continuous, real-time, and nonintrusive manner by leveraging semiconductor and flexible electronics packaging technology. These sensors incorporate a broad range of advances in microelectromechanical (MEMS), biological and chemical sensing, electrocardiogram (ECG), electromyogram (EMG), and electroencephalogram (EEG)-based neural sensing …

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Countries launch latest Man-Portable Air Defense Systems (MANPADS) which are more lethal and smart

Man-Portable Air Defense Systems (MANPADS) are surface-to-air missiles that can be carried and fired by a single individual or carried by several individuals and fired by more than one person acting as a crew. MANPADS were designed to be used by national military forces to protect their troops and facilities. With …

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