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Doctrine & Strategy

Aligning Marketing Strategy with Sales Strategy

Your Sales and Marketing strategy is your plan for reaching, engaging, and converting target prospects into profitable customers. A marketing strategy is how you will reach your target audience, while a sales strategy is how you will convert them to customers. A marketing strategy sets the direction for how you will …

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US Army Medical Modernization Strategy(AMMS) to counter future medical threats through disruptive technologies

As the Army charts a course to modernize its force by 2035 with a focus on multi-domain operations, the service is also looking to fundamentally transform its medical capabilities to take advantage of and move at the pace of technological advancements. The Army must modernize its medical formations and capabilities …

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High intensity warfare (HIW) and High Intensity Conflict (HIC) weapons and technologies

High-Intensity Warfare (HIW) or High-Intensity Conflict (HIC) refers to state vs state conflict with a modern, peer adversary – as envisioned during the Cold War period. As the name implies, the tempo of operations is greater, and the concentration of forces and firepower is also substantially greater. High-intensity war is …

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US DOD’s DIU accelerating DOD adoption of commercial technologies, transformation of military capacity and capability and strengthen the national security innovation base

Historically and during the cold war military technology programs drove many commercial successes like Nuclear power, GPS, Internet, Computers, Jet Engines, semiconductor and integrated circuits, and these were driven by Department of Defense’s comprehensive and well-resourced investment plans.   The internet grew out of a military research project.  Global Positioning System …

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US Military, the world’s largest polluter is implementing energy security strategy reducing future resource risk and increasing mission assurance

In the domain of defense, energy has the potential to be both an enabler of hard power but also, via denial, arguably itself to be a weapon of war. Energy enables nearly everything the military does, and the primary objective is mission assurance and decisive advantage on the battlefield.  Energy security …

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Sales and operations planning (S&OP) to Integrated Sales, Inventory, Operations and Planning (SIOP) process

Sales and operations planning (S&OP) is an integrated planning process that aligns demand, supply, and financial planning and is managed as part of a company’s master planning. S&OP is designed and executed to support executive decision-making related to approving a feasible and profitable material and financial plan.   The sales …

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DARPA CFIP Countering Risk of Foreign Influence on US military research

U.S. Congress has directed the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (“DARPA”), the research and development agency of the U.S. Department of Defense, to secure its funded research from undue influence through the establishment of an initiative and relevant policies.   According to Research and Development National Security Policy, “Unfortunately, some foreign governments, …

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Modified Agile for Hardware Development (MAHD) Framework

Scrum is one of the most widely-used flavors of Agile, mostly applied to software development projects. It starts with describing the customer experience through user stories. Teams work on high-priority user stories in rapid cycles called sprints, deliver working software that is validated by users, and incorporate feedback quickly into …

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China J-20 stealth fighter’s combat missions in the South China Sea, advancing China’s A2/AD strategy

China’s progress toward military superpower status continues to accelerate. According to the latest one, the People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) now ranks as the third-largest air force in the world with 2,250 combat aircraft. The People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) is the world’s largest, with 355 ships and submarines. …

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Militaries are facing complex operational and tactical environments such as the increasing challenge of non-state/lone actors; persistent rapid technological development along with its broad availability via the internet; and the advent and expansion of new domains of possible threat such as information systems, space, cyberspace, electronic warfare, and autonomous weapons. …

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