The United States is increasingly engaged in a long-term competition with the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the Russian Federation–a competition in which U.S. defense leaders and experts argue the U.S. military is falling behind technologically and operationally. The traditional U.S. asymmetric technology advantage—such as highly advanced satellites, …
Read More »Australia facing cyber attacks by sophisticated state-based cyber actor, implementing Cyber Vision 2020, cyber security strategy, cyber science and technology plan
The exponential growth of information and communications technology (ICT) technology that includes Internet, telecommunications networks, computer systems, and embedded processors and controllers, has led to creation of Cyberspace, a global domain within ICT. The economic, social and strategic influence is exerted within, and through cyberspace domain, much like the land, …
Read More »Indian offset policy overcoming challenges to achieve target worth USD15 billion in defence offset work over next decade.
The defence equipment held by Indian defence forces is 50% obsolete, the proportion of state-of-the-art equipment also needs to double from current 15% to 30%. This justifies the huge requirement of new systems. Ongoing projects include submarine building, advance early warning aircraft, Rafale fighters, missiles, missile shields, aerostat radars, all of …
Read More »Indian Threat Scenario, National security threats and future military capability requirements
There are two approaches to connect Warfighting and emerging technologies. One is to consider the present and future threat environment and then through system analysis we can identify technologies required to mitigate those threats. Secondly, we can identify the emerging technologies that can offer new military capability. Coming to …
Read More »US Army’s Robotic and Autonomous Systems (RAS) Strategy for gaining for gaining overmatch in future high-intensity conflicts
As both artificial intelligence and autonomous systems advance at an astonishing rate, scientists and military leaders alike are working through the complexities to determine the best ways of implementing them on the modern battlefield. The accelerating arms race in Artificial Intelligence and the diffusion of cheap, technologically advanced military systems among …
Read More »Synthetic Biology has enhanced asymmetric Bio warfare and Bio terrorism threat posed by biological weapons, in response US launches Biodefence Strategy
The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated that significant biological threats can and will emerge from nature without warning, demonstrating that a single viral strain can have a profound impact on modern society. It has also demonstrated that infectious diseases can rapidly spread throughout a population without human engineering making them the …
Read More »Indian Ocean maritime security threats and Indian Navy’s Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) technology requirements and solutions
Indian Ocean has always been vulnerable to criminals and anti-national activities. The Indian Ocean is an area of conflict. According to a recent analysis of global conflicts by the Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research, altogether 42% of world conflicts can be associated with Indian Ocean countries. Numerous cases of the …
Read More »US Army developing Manned-Unmanned Teaming ( MUM-T ) technologies in multiple domains for operation in A2/AD environments
US military is facing increasingly Anti-access /Area denial environment, a set of overlapping military capabilities and operations designed to slow the deployment of U.S. forces to a region, reduce the tempo of those forces once there, and deny the freedom of action necessary to achieve military objectives . Unmanned Air …
Read More »US Army’s Network strategy for Army Network Modernization includes Dynamic Transport, Computing and Networked Edge capability
In 2016, The Army’s chief information officer announced the release of the Army’s new, long-term, network strategy called “Shaping the Army Network (2025-2040).” The document discusses the projected operational environment and required capabilities to set the context for what the future network must enable; describes what the network of 2025 …
Read More »DOD Digital Engineering Strategy based on Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) for Military System of Systems (SOS)
A system is defined by NASA as a construct or collection of different elements that together produce results not obtainable by the elements alone. Systems Engineering (SE) is defined as: The process by which a customer’s needs are satisfied through the conceptualization, design, modeling, testing, implementation, and operation of a working …
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