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Doctrine & Strategy

Digital tranformation Strategy for Digital Battlefield

The modern battlespace extends into space and cyberspace, and adversary capabilities in these areas can be expected to expand in tomorrow’s strategic environment, increasing competition in and across all domains. To preserve and expand our military advantage in this new digital operating environment, the Joint Force must be adaptive, innovative …

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US Army doctrine thrust on multi domain operations employing AI to counter A2/AD

Russia and China employ formations and capabilities (lethal and nonlethal) that overmatch those of the U.S. in range and lethality, thus challenging the Army’s ability to conduct operational maneuver, gain positions of relative advantage, and generate close-combat overmatch.   China’s and Russia’s rate of technological optimization will continue to outpace …

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US Army’s “Project Convergence” evaluating technologies, Joint and Multinational interoperability for A2/AD and Multidomain capability

Russia and China have developed sophisticated military capability for A2/AD and Multidomain capability. Anti-Access is defined as any action, activity, or capability, usually long-range, designed to prevent an advancing military force from entering an operational area. Area Denial is defined as action, activity, or capability, usually short-range, designed to limit an …

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Military Race for Integrated Cyber, Space, EW, Signals intelligence and Communications capability for Information Dominance

Joint Publication (JP 1-02) defined the electromagnetic spectrum as the “range of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation from zero to infinity” (U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, 2010b). In a more detailed interpretation, the electromagnetic spectrum is a series of frequencies  from the lowest to the highest frequency (longest to shortest wavelength), …

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CEPA proposes NATO Defense Strategy Integrating Emerging and Disruptive Technologies

After the Cold War, the US, NATO, and the world at large shifted focus to combating terrorism and capacity building in fragile states.  As a result, the urgency to develop and field new systems to combat potential near-peer competitors eroded. Without this motivation, NATO and its allies – especially larger …

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Army’s Combined Arms Maneuver and Doctrine proving critical for mission success

Reducing the adversary’s capabilities has always been the fundamental objective of any military action. Land maneuver can be defined as the manner in which forces are committed on the battlefield. Combined arms is an approach to warfare that seeks to integrate different combat arms of a military to achieve mutually …

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European Union (EU) cyber security and EDA cyber defence strategy calls for proactive and reactive cyber defence technology and Cyber Situation Awareness (CySA) operational capability.

The pandemic, which moved citizens’ lives into the digital sphere, saw a rise in security breaches within European businesses and institutions. Cyber attacks against key European sectors doubled in 2020. Significant malicious attacks against key sectors doubled in Europe – up to 304 incidents compared to 146 in 2019 – …

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US Navy “Distributed Maritime Operations (DMO),” strategy integrating diverse autonomous unmanned vehicles UUV, USVs, UAVs

The US Navy published a navigation plan to boost the war vessels to 500 by 2045 in the region citing “both a current and long-term challenge.” Reiterating that China is the central threat to the US Navy’s maritime dominance, the report says: “This is a critical decade. As global challengers …

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Aligning Marketing Strategy with Sales Strategy

Your Sales and Marketing strategy is your plan for reaching, engaging, and converting target prospects into profitable customers. A marketing strategy is how you will reach your target audience, while a sales strategy is how you will convert them to customers. A marketing strategy sets the direction for how you will …

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US Army Medical Modernization Strategy(AMMS) to counter future medical threats through disruptive technologies

As the Army charts a course to modernize its force by 2035 with a focus on multi-domain operations, the service is also looking to fundamentally transform its medical capabilities to take advantage of and move at the pace of technological advancements. The Army must modernize its medical formations and capabilities …

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