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Doctrine & Strategy

World Quantum Race depend on Quantum technology hubs and Centers to Coordination offices and forums

The quest for quantum computing supremacy is a geopolitical priority for Europe, China, Canada, Australia and the United States. The quantum computing market was valued at $472m earlier in 2021 and is expected to reach $1.7bn by 2026, according to a Markets and Markets projection. Boston Consulting Group’s 2018 report that estimates …

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Revolutionizing Warfare with AI: DARPA Invests in Strategic Chaos Engine for Planning, Tactics, Experimentation and Resiliency (SCEPTER)

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is spearheading a groundbreaking initiative to harness the power of artificial intelligence (AI) in strategic battlefield decision-making. With an investment of millions in research funding, DARPA’s Strategic Chaos Engine for Planning, Tactics, Experimentation and Resiliency (SCEPTER) program aims to develop AI technology …

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India’s National Quantum Mission led by Industry supported by DST, ISRO and DRDO to win Global Quantum Information race

Quantum computing and quantum information processing are next revolutionary technology expected to have immense impact. Quantum Technology is based on the principles of quantum theory, which explains the nature of energy and matter on the atomic and subatomic level. It concerns the control and manipulation of quantum systems, with the …

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The DHS Cybersecurity Strategy: A Comprehensive Response for a Digital Battlefield

Introduction In an increasingly interconnected world, the threat landscape of cybersecurity is evolving rapidly. In today’s digital age, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) plays a pivotal role in safeguarding the United States against cyber threats and attacks. With cyber threats becoming increasingly sophisticated and pervasive, DHS has devised a robust …

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Ensuring Space Security: SSA, SDA, and Space Battle Management

Introduction: In an era marked by the increasing militarization of outer space, the  United States Department of Defense (DOD) has embarked on an ambitious mission in recent years—to enhance its Space Situational Awareness (SSA), Space Domain Awareness (SDA), and Space Battle Management capabilities.  With several nations developing anti-satellite weapons and …

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Advancing Warfare: Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2) for Integrated and Networked Multidomain Capability

Introduction The future of warfare is rapidly evolving, shaped by advancements in technology and the emergence of sophisticated adversaries with Anti-Access/Area Denial (A2/AD) capabilities. Traditional military operations have largely operated in separate domains such as land, air, sea, and space.  To counter these challenges and maintain military superiority, the United …

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The Vital Role of Mission Command in Air Force Operations and its Technology Imperatives

Introduction: In the ever-evolving landscape of military strategy and command, the concept of mission command has emerged as a pivotal and dynamic approach, particularly within the United States Air Force. Mission command represents a fundamental shift in the philosophy of leadership and control, emphasizing empowerment, agility, and the decisive role …

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China’s ‘Space Silk Road’ Strategy: Elevating Its Global Space Power Status

Introduction China has been steadily and ambitiously advancing its presence in the global space arena, and its ‘Space Silk Road’ strategy plays a pivotal role in this ascent. China’s relentless pursuit of becoming a global space power has been notably characterized by its ‘Space Silk Road’ strategy, an ambitious plan …

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Harnessing AI for Security: Unveiling the UK’s Comprehensive Counter-Terrorism Strategy for 2023

In a world characterized by increasing complexity and unpredictability, ensuring the safety and security of its citizens is a paramount responsibility for any government. For the United Kingdom, this responsibility takes center stage with the unveiling of the Counter-Terrorism Strategy for 2023, a vital document that outlines the nation’s approach …

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Counterterrorism Strategy: New Tactics and Technologies for Safeguarding Homeland Security

Introduction The ever-evolving landscape of global security has necessitated the development of innovative counterterrorism strategies to protect our homeland. In today’s world, where threats can originate from both traditional and emerging sources, it’s imperative that we adapt our approach to effectively prevent and respond to acts of terrorism. To that …

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