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Doctrine & Strategy

Threat of terrorism to transportation requires new strategy and appropriate technologies

The threat of terrorism is not new to transportation. From jet airliners to mass transit buses and rail terminals, vehicles and transport facilities are all-too-familiar targets of terrorist attacks.   The 1995 sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway left 13 people dead and injured 6,000 others. The terror attack was …

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India’s challenges and efforts to achieve its goal of Strategic autonomy

India’s principle of “strategic autonomy” remains strong, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, drawing an equivalence in ties with Russia, the U.S. and China and cautioning against a “return to the age of great power rivalries,” at a conference in Singapore in June 2018. Referring specifically to relations between India and …

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Countries plan Arms Export Strategy for geo-political influence, bolstering defense industry and creating jobs

The United States remains the world’s top weapons seller, accounting for 34 percent of global arms sales over the past five years. Russia was the second-largest exporter with about 20 percent of all global arms deliveries, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) reported on March 11 in its latest …

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AFRL is seeking Multi-INT Fusion to implement US Airforce ISR strategy for A2/AD environments

ISR is one of the  US Air Force’s five enduring core missions along with air and space superiority, rapid global mobility, global strike, and command and control. AF ISR is integral to Global Vigilance for the nation and is foundational to Global Reach and Global Power. ISR is defined in Joint …

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US Army’s IT modernization strategy includes software-defined networking and “self-healing” networks

The Network enables the mission command warfighting function – allowing leaders to understand, visualize, describe, direct, lead and assess to accomplish Unified Land Operations. US Army vision is for “A network that is secure, integrated, standards-based, which ensures uninterrupted global access and enables collaboration and decisive action throughout all operational phases …

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Australia releases Defence Science and Technology plan for implementing its Air Force Strategy to transform to fifth-generation Air Force

Australian Airforce is making investments into range of state-of-the-art surveillance, command-and-control and combat platforms. This includes introduction of advanced capabilities such as the F-35A Lightning II, EA-18G Growler, P-8A Poseidon, the MQ-4C Triton, and space systems including a space situational radar and space telescope. Moreover, Navy and Army are currently …

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Disruptive technologies, Doctrinal innovation and Nuclear modernization under Third Offset Strategy to sustain America’s military dominance for the 21st century

In an Aug. 17 memorandum from Mick Mulvaney, director of the Office of Management and Budget, and Michael Kratsios, deputy assistant to the president in the Office of Science and Technology Policy, the Trump administration outlines its technology-related research and development priorities for fiscal year 2019. It calls for Agencies …

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US Naval S&T Strategy for decisive warfighting advantage, in anti-access, area denial environment

China is developing ever-advancing anti-access, area denial capacity and capabilities, through deployment of long-range aircraft equipped with anti-ship cruise missiles, submarines, surface ships with long-range missiles, and land-based ballistic missiles, putting into risk, any carrier operating within 1,000 miles of the Chinese coast. It is also employing advanced integrated air …

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US Army lays out technical strategy, S&T Campaigns and implementation plans for future land dominance

The United States Army of 2030 will operate in a highly non-linear and complex operational environment, will likely be dominated by decreasing domestic budgets and reduced force structure; increased velocity and momentum of human interaction and events; potential for adversarial capability overmatch; proliferation of weapons of mass destruction; spread of …

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US brainstorming technology strategy to prevent terrorists exploiting Internet to mobilize, facilitate and operationalize attacks

White House officials are drafting a presidential directive from President Trump that calls on his newly appointed defense secretary to take a more aggressive approach to attacking ISIS fighters in Syria. The New York Times reported  that Trump is expected to make his first visit to the Pentagon Friday and will …

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