Psychological warfare involves the planned use of propaganda and other psychological operations to influence the opinions, emotions, motives, reasoning, attitudes, and behavior of opposition groups. Psychological warfare consists of attempts to make your enemy lose confidence, give up hope, or feel afraid, so that you can win. It is used …
Read More »DARPA SHRIMP developed microrobots for search and rescue, disaster relief, infrastructure inspection, and equipment maintenance
Imagine a natural disaster scenario, such as an earthquake, that inflicts widespread damage to buildings and structures, critical utilities and infrastructure, and threatens human safety. Having the ability to navigate the rubble and enter highly unstable areas could prove invaluable to saving lives or detecting additional hazards among the wreckage. …
Read More »Countries developing long range Artillery systems to penetrate anti-access/area denial networks, US Army plans Strategic Long-Range Cannon
During the first half of the twentieth century, armies grew enamored with the concept of “super guns”—huge artillery systems able to bombard cities up dozens of miles behind the frontline. During World War I, Imperial Germany deployed the infamous Paris Gun, which could launch huge 211-millimeter shells to bombard the …
Read More »US Navy gives thrust to development of Electromagnetic Warfare systems
All modern forces depend on unimpeded access to, and use of, the EM spectrum in conducting military operations. Therefore, there is a requirement to gain and maintain an advantage in the electromagnetic spectrum by countering adversary’s systems and protecting one’s own systems. Thus the EM spectrum can no longer be …
Read More »China to test magnetized plasma artillery which can travel at hypersonic speeds
Plasma is a state of super excitement of mater and can be described as a super hot gas. The Plasma Spray Process is basically the spraying of molten or heat softened material onto a surface to provide a coating. Plasma spray is a versatile technology used for production of environmental …
Read More »USAF’s Multi-Domain Command and Control (MDC2) requires Artificial Intelligence technologies for Information Analysis and Targeting
Advanced Integrated Air Defense Systems, Anti-satellite, and computer network attack weapons can hold capabilities in air, space and cyber at risk and create Anti-Access and Area Denial (A2AD) quandaries. The goal of Multi-Domain Operations is to ensure the ability to integrate operations in multiple domains and create complex dilemmas for …
Read More »Countries launch antitank autonomous UGVs, intensifying robotic warfare
Since the creation of the main battle tank during World War I, there has been a constant arms race between the development of anti-tank weapons and vehicle protection systems, however “Weapons’ ability to penetrate armor, however, has advanced faster than armor’s ability to withstand penetration”. One of the technology …
Read More »DARPA’s TUNA program develops fiber optical undersea communication Network for backup in contested environment
The capability of Russia and China to disrupt American military wireless and satellite communications using electronic warfare has been rising. This is athreat to US Navy operations that require connectivity among a diverse set of platforms, including submarines, surface ships, aircraft, and shore sites. The links among these platforms support …
Read More »DARPA DBM develops automated AI decision aid for managing Distributed air-to-air and air-to-ground combat under Electronic Warfare environment
As commercial technologies become more advanced and widely available, adversaries are rapidly developing capabilities that put our forces at risk. To counter these threats, the U.S. military is developing systems-of-systems concepts in which networks of manned and unmanned platforms, weapons, sensors, and electronic warfare systems interact over robust satellite and …
Read More »US Navy seeking new technologies for Gun-launched guided projectile (GLGP) or Hypervelocity projectile (HVP)
Gun-launched guided projectile (GLGP), previously known as the hypervelocity projectile (HVP) is the new weapon of US Navy that could improve the ability of Navy surface ships to defend themselves against missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and surface craft. As the Navy was developing EMRG, it realized that the …
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