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China’s Africa presence for economic, commercial and peacekeeping activities now graduating to geopolitical and military

For decades, China’s presence in Africa has largely focused on economic, commercial and peacekeeping activities. Now, Beijing is building on that by establishing greater military links to protect its national assets on the continent and gain greater geopolitical influence.   The world’s second-largest economy has long described Sino-Africa cooperation as …

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DARPA’s AMD to accelerate creation of novel, high-performance molecules for Military Applications

The Defense Sciences Office (DSO) at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is soliciting innovative research proposals in the area of autonomous molecular design to accelerate the discovery, validation and optimization of new, high-performance molecules for Department of Defense (DoD) needs. DARPA Accelerated Molecular Discovery (AMD) program,  aims to …

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Gas turbines favorite propulsion for Warships, China makes turbine blade breakthrough for Type 055 guided-missile destroyers

Marine propulsion is the mechanism or system used to generate thrust to move a ship or boat across water. While paddles and sails are still used on some smaller boats, most modern ships are propelled by mechanical systems consisting of an electric motor or engine turning a propeller, or less …

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Advances in Non Destructive Testing (NDT) and nondestructive evaluation (NDE) techniques for Aerospace and Military application

Non-destructive testing (NDT) is a way to detect and evaluate flaws in materials. The simplest and most accurate way of testing materials and components is often to test them to destruction. Destructive testing is used in aerospace to determine the physical properties of materials, components and assemblies. It can reveal …

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Naval Combat and Combat Management Systems (NCMS) being upgraded to handle new maritime security threats

Recent years have seen multiple new security challenges emerge in the maritime arena. Navies, coast guards and other maritime security agencies face a proliferation of security challenges. These include: illegal fishing of territorial waters; incursion of mineral exploitation across legal boundaries; maritime terrorism; narcotics smuggling; pollution as a result of …

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Generative Design is new design method that uses AI to produce optimum forms for products autonomously

Manufacturing today benefits from three waves of innovation: new production techniques (like 3-D printing), new design methods (like generative design, also driven by A.I.) and new materials, said Marco Annunziata , Co-Founder of Annunziata.   These three waves of innovation are interdependent and mutually reinforcing: 3-D printing allows us to …

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Militaries testing new camouflage solutions for enhanced protection and survivability of troops and tanks from visual detection

Military camouflage has been the subject of continuous improvement and research for over 100 years – ever since the realisation that, supplying troops and equipment with colours matching the ambient environment could lead to improved protection and survivability.   A variety of camouflage being developed now is aimed at hiding …

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Shipping companies and US Navy experimenting with drones for delivering cargo autonomously

Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), which are going through a massive development phase, are finding their purpose in the shipping industry as well. In the shipping industry, drones have typically been used for security, environmental surveillance, emergency response, search and rescue missions, as well as various vessel inspections. Now Shipping companies …

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DARPA plans secure Blockchain technologies to create tamper-proof military computer systems

Blockchain is a transformative technology for the two billion people in the world currently underserved by financial institutions. The technology has the potential to enhance privacy, security and freedom of conveyance of data. Blockchain is based on open, global infrastructure, decentralized public ledger of transactions that no one person or …

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Syria, became test bed for high-tech Russian weapons and leading to increased Russian arms sales and new arms race

The more than 6-year-old civil war in Syria has been a showcase for Russian-made arms. Russia has supported Assad and his forces, while the U.S. has helped moderate rebel groups and called for Assad to step down. “Syria is not a shooting range for Russian weapons, but we are still using …

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